Hi all!
I did the updates this morning and after rebooting I have no screen. I try both Yast ( text only ) and zypper but they both tell me I have the latest NVIDIA driver installed.
The part of the message I get before I login is;
Error:API mismatch=the NVIDIA kernel module has version 295.40, but this NVIDIA driver component has version 96.43.20. Please make sure that the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version.
So the kernel was updated and the NVIDIA was also ( supposed to have been ) updated and as I said I tried Yast and zypper.
What else can I do?
When you have the nVIDIA repository added, there are three flavor of files. They are gfx (96.43.20), gfxG01 (173.14.31) or gfxG02 (295.40) and you should only be loading the gfxG02 named files. It sounds as it you have gfx and gfxG02 files loaded for some reason. You can run yast from terminal and try to fix the problem.
Back in business. Thanks James. I tried uninstalling gfx (96.43.20) and keeping gfxG02 (295.40) but then I was getting a black screen so I uninstalled it and reinstalled gfx and voila I am back the way the machine was before the updates i.e. with the new updates of course.
We never talked about the nVIDIA video card or chipset that you have installed so it may require the older version but all that matters is you are back in business and I am very happy to hear that it is so.