No "Restart" and "Power Off" @ Power button - OS11.2

Hi all,

I did a clean install of Opensuse 11.2 some days ago and everything seems to be fine. Nevertheless, when I want to turn off the computer or restart it, I go to the the typical red power button and only have the option to Log-out my session. Later, if I want to restart or turn off, I have to do it from the loggin screen.

Is this situation happening to somebody else? Is there a way of fixing it? This is happening under Gnome & KDE4.

Thank you for the help!

…any clue?

Have you checked YaST -> Local security -> Boot settings -> Shutdown behaviour is set to ‘all users’, or perhaps ‘automatic’?

I did read another thread talking about something similar, and they reckoned it was an unexpected interaction with a proprietary graphics driver. Can’t find the thread right now… but what card are you using?

Maybe try switching temporarily to an open source driver (even VESA), and if your problem goes away, you at least know where it’s coming from…

Sorry guys, Im no expert, but my laptop has ati graphics, and is exhibiting the same behavior after upgrade. I was going to do a clean install to try to fix it. From what I read here though, others are having the problem after a clean install. There is a bug report that says that the problem was fixed in 11.1, but will have to be fixed again for 11.2. I guess we will wait for a fix?

Well, try to shutdown as root. There are several ways. In all cases, first become root (su).

Then you can say, in a terminal window:

  1. reboot


  1. shutdown -h now


  1. init 3 (maybe login again)

    init 1 (maybe login again)

    shutdown -h now;


  1. init 1;
    halt -p

All these commands must succeed. If not, that will shed light on where the problem lies.

If any works, you can either remember your shutdown procedure, or you can create a script to partly automate.

Maybe Ill try that. It just bugs me that the computer will not do what it did before the upgrade. Its like what windows users went through after “upgrading” to vista. Disappointment.