no repository found, installation from iso on windows partit

I try to install opensuse 11.1 on a msi u100 netbook without CD-drive. I downloaded the dvd iso onto my windows partition in a folder c:/suse and tried to follow the manual at

Installation ohne CD - openSUSE

Starting the installation with grub worked up to the point where I have selected language and keyboard and the installer is looking for the iso on my harddrive. I select the windows partition and enter “suse” for the path to the iso and get

“No repository found.”

in friendly yellow letters on unfriendly red background. Can anyone please help me any further?


flo73 wrote:

> I try to install opensuse 11.1 on a msi u100 netbook without CD-drive. I
> downloaded the dvd iso onto my windows partition in a folder c:/suse and
> tried to follow the manual at
> ‘Installation ohne CD - openSUSE’
> (
> Starting the installation with grub worked up to the point where I have
> selected language and keyboard and the installer is looking for the iso
> on my harddrive. I select the windows partition and enter “suse” for the
> path to the iso and get
> “No repository found.”

We were facing that same issue on the opensuse Spanish list. A user was
stuck exactly at this point. The ISO file was in his openSUSE partition but
whatever the path he was using to locate the iso file, always got “No
repository found” response. He was using “net-iso” (mini-CD) to boot.

In your case, I am not sure a windows partition is allowed to be used as
source (I know “samba”, “nfs” or “ftp” are, but just a “c:/”, well,
dunno) :-?

> in friendly yellow letters on unfriendly red background. Can anyone
> please help me any further?

I suggested the user to try linuxrc[1] (look for “install” parameter)
command at boot menu command line but I don’t know if he finally was able
to achieve it.




This works:
Do not put the iso in C:\SUSE but the contents of the iso, i.e. all the files and folders.

Still don’t understand why, but this works.

Thank you. Extracting the files in windows indeed helped a bit further and the installer started.

Unfortunately, it got stuck after 3/6 steps of loading something or other because something was corrupted or missing.

Meanwhile, I found, it also works if I use the iso-image directly and enter as directory


Then even the graphical installer starts! However, I’m still stuck at the point where it tries to “initialize package manager”. This time the error is

"Unable to create repository
from URL “iso:/?iso=openSUSE… …
Failed to mount /dev/sda2 on /var/adm/mount/AP_0x00…1
Mounting failed (mount /dev/sda2 already mounted on /var/adm/mount…”

I have to add that /dev/sda2 is my windows partition where I have placed the iso-image.

Does anyone have an idea what that means?

Looks like the download was corrupted.

Thank you all.

Unfortunately, the installation from the internet did not work in any way (dvd image, cd-image, bootable usb-stick, directly from url) although the downloads were alright. The problem was always the definition of the repositories. Quite disappointing, really.

Eventually, I borrowed an external DVD drive and bought the official DVD’s. Then, everything worked very fine and quick. So, I’m a happy openSUSE user now. Should have done that a lot earlier…

Thanks for all your efforts anyway!

This was happened to me also. It solved by moving the iso image to an ext3 linux partition so the installer works fine. It seems that the problem due to read / write NTFS partition.