No NetworkManager icon on toolbar

:’( I recently installed openSUSE 11.2 x86_64 on a Dell Studio 17. The only way I can get a wired internet connection is through NetworkManager. I want to be able to make some setting changes to it but there is no NetworkManager icon on the toolbar!

Has anyone else had this problem?

In Yast - Network Devices - Network Settings
Are you using Managed by Network Manager?

For KDE If you type this in a terminal: knetworkmanager
Does it appear?

For Gnome I’m not sure possibly just drop the k: networkmanager

No, nothing happens. The program is running since I have connectivity under it, but I just want to get into the configuration.

Thanks, Tom

Do you have a systray in your panel?

Yes, there is a systray but the icon for network is not there. When I entered “knetworkmanager” in a terminal (as root) nothing changed on the tray. Also, there are no hidden icons. As long as the network is running properly I can live without it but it just bugs me.

Thanks, Tom

You didn’t answer this earlier:

In Yast - Network Devices - Network Settings
Are you using Managed by Network Manager?

Thanks! Switching to user controlled with network manager did the trick.:slight_smile: