No NetworkManager after update.

Hello, I’m running Tumbleweed for about two months now, no problems.
Until this week.
I update to kernel 5.0.5, and after rebooting the network is down. In ifconfig only the lo device shows.
When I reboot in a previous snapshot, with kernel 5.0.3 everything is fine. Below is the output from /var/log/messages, grepped on wicked:
2019-04-12T06:30:00.635951+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp4[1155]: wlan0: Committed DHCPv4 lease with address (lease time 86400 sec, renew in 43200 sec, rebind in 75600 sec)
2019-04-12T06:30:00.768246+12:00 Pavilion wickedd[1267]: route ipv4 via dev wlan0#3 type unicast table main scope universe protocol dhcp covered by a ipv4:dhcp lease
2019-04-12T15:30:08.311570+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp4[1155]: unable to renew lease within renewal period; trying to rebind
2019-04-12T18:30:00.687776+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp4[1155]: wlan0: Committed DHCPv4 lease with address (lease time 86400 sec, renew in 43200 sec, rebind in 75600 sec)
2019-04-12T18:30:00.756018+12:00 Pavilion wickedd[1267]: route ipv4 via dev wlan0#3 type unicast table main scope universe protocol dhcp covered by a ipv4:dhcp lease
2019-04-12T18:30:08.611535+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp4[1155]: unable to rebind lease
2019-04-12T18:36:42.643903+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp4[1155]: wlan0: Request to acquire DHCPv4 lease with UUID e7deae5c-f36b-0900-f304-000005000000
2019-04-12T18:36:42.645469+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp6[1152]: wlan0: Request to acquire DHCPv6 lease with UUID e7deae5c-f36b-0900-f304-000006000000 in mode auto
2019-04-12T18:36:47.079189+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp4[1155]: wlan0: Committed DHCPv4 lease with address (lease time 86400 sec, renew in 43200 sec, rebind in 75600 sec)
2019-04-12T18:36:47.139501+12:00 Pavilion wickedd[1267]: route ipv4 via dev wlan0#3 type unicast table main scope universe protocol dhcp covered by a ipv4:dhcp lease
2019-04-12T20:57:51.452671+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp4[1155]: wlan0: Request to acquire DHCPv4 lease with UUID e7deae5c-f36b-0900-f304-000005000000
2019-04-12T20:57:51.454984+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp6[1152]: wlan0: Request to acquire DHCPv6 lease with UUID e7deae5c-f36b-0900-f304-000006000000 in mode auto
2019-04-12T20:57:55.919822+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp4[1155]: wlan0: Committed DHCPv4 lease with address (lease time 86400 sec, renew in 43200 sec, rebind in 75600 sec)
2019-04-12T20:57:56.036346+12:00 Pavilion wickedd[1267]: route ipv4 via dev wlan0#3 type unicast table main scope universe protocol dhcp covered by a ipv4:dhcp lease
2019-04-13T08:57:55.959949+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-dhcp4[1155]: wlan0: Committed DHCPv4 lease with address (lease time 86400 sec, renew in 43200 sec, rebind in 75600 sec)
2019-04-13T08:57:56.080339+12:00 Pavilion wickedd[1267]: route ipv4 via dev wlan0#3 type unicast table main scope universe protocol dhcp covered by a ipv4:dhcp lease
2019-04-13T12:24:21.157779+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Starting wicked DHCPv6 supplicant service…
2019-04-13T12:24:21.157794+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Starting wicked AutoIPv4 supplicant service…
2019-04-13T12:24:21.158045+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Starting wicked DHCPv4 supplicant service…
2019-04-13T12:24:22.453789+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Started wicked DHCPv6 supplicant service.
2019-04-13T12:24:22.454637+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Started wicked AutoIPv4 supplicant service.
2019-04-13T12:24:22.837565+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Started wicked DHCPv4 supplicant service.
2019-04-13T12:24:22.841503+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Starting wicked network management service daemon…
2019-04-13T12:25:52.901448+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: wickedd.service: Start-pre operation timed out. Terminating.
2019-04-13T12:25:52.916391+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: wickedd.service: Control process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
2019-04-13T12:25:52.916675+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: wickedd.service: Failed with result ‘timeout’.
2019-04-13T12:25:52.917873+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Failed to start wicked network management service daemon.
2019-04-13T12:25:52.923730+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Starting wicked network nanny service…
2019-04-13T12:25:52.970823+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-nanny[1426]: /org/opensuse/Network/Interface.getManagedObjects failed. Server responds:
2019-04-13T12:25:52.971002+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-nanny[1426]: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.opensuse.Network was not provided by any .service files
2019-04-13T12:25:52.971112+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Started wicked network nanny service.
2019-04-13T12:25:52.971221+12:00 Pavilion wickedd-nanny[1426]: Couldn’t refresh list of active network interfaces
2019-04-13T12:25:52.975775+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Starting wicked managed network interfaces…
2019-04-13T12:25:53.005671+12:00 Pavilion wicked[1427]: /org/opensuse/Network/Interface.getManagedObjects failed. Server responds:
2019-04-13T12:25:53.005850+12:00 Pavilion wicked[1427]: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.opensuse.Network was not provided by any .service files
2019-04-13T12:25:53.005939+12:00 Pavilion wicked[1427]: Couldn’t refresh list of active network interfaces
2019-04-13T12:25:53.006419+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: wicked.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
2019-04-13T12:25:53.006556+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: wicked.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
2019-04-13T12:25:53.007224+12:00 Pavilion systemd[1]: Failed to start wicked managed network interfaces.

Does anybody have any clues how I could solve this, because this snapshot is a read-only file system, so I can’t even update it.


Check the output of the following…

sudo systemctl status NetworkManager
sudo systemctl status wicked

Thank you sir, here it is:

ton@Pavilion:~> sudo systemctl status NetworkManager
● NetworkManager.service - Network Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service.d
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:NetworkManager(8)
ton@Pavilion:~> sudo systemctl status wicked
● wicked.service - wicked managed network interfaces
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/wicked.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2019-04-13 22:29:57 NZST; 4min 9s ago
Main PID: 1428 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Apr 13 22:29:57 Pavilion systemd[1]: Starting wicked managed network interfaces…
Apr 13 22:29:57 Pavilion wicked[1428]: /org/opensuse/Network/Interface.getManagedObjects failed. Server responds:
Apr 13 22:29:57 Pavilion wicked[1428]: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.opensuse.Network was not provided by any .service files
Apr 13 22:29:57 Pavilion wicked[1428]: Couldn’t refresh list of active network interfaces
Apr 13 22:29:57 Pavilion systemd[1]: wicked.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 13 22:29:57 Pavilion systemd[1]: wicked.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.
Apr 13 22:29:57 Pavilion systemd[1]: Failed to start wicked managed network interfaces.


Ok, stop and disable wicked then start and enable NetworkManager…

sudo systemctl stop wicked
sudo systemctl disable wicked
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager
sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager

Alternatively, you can also do this via YaST > System > Network Settings (select the preferred network management system under the ‘Global Options’ tab).

Thanks Deano,

I’ve got my network up and running again.
Could you explain what happened? Why did wicked behave wicked, and why is NetworkManager, which should do the job, I think, disabled?
One more worry, could this happen again?

Thanks very much

Good. :slight_smile:

Could you explain what happened? Why did wicked behave wicked, and why is NetworkManager, which should do the job, I think, disabled?
One more worry, could this happen again?

Thanks very much

I have no idea - I don’t use TW. At least if it does you’ll know what to do for next time. I much prefer the slower moving, stable environment that Leap offers.

You should also verify the network management selection in YaST > Network Devices > “General” tab (far left)

Ordinarily, that should be used to switch between Wicked and Network Manager instead of the manual steps you did to enable and disable the Wicked and Network Manager services.

I haven’t seen it happen, but considering that TW does a “distro upgrade” similar to a re-install with each update, I wonder if you might have seen a surprising change I’ve observed in the new 15.1 install… Wicked is disabled in favor of Network Manager. If something like that happened, you would have a dead network because a new NM connection would have to be created.


I’ve seen this reported elsewhere once/twice(?), had a quick look, but couldn’t find it. I.e. on a dup TW/YaST changes from Networkmanager to wicked. But this bug ( IMO it is ) seems to have hit only very few users, and since the simple workaround of using YaST’s Networksettings, or deano_ferrari’s systemd approach ( which does the same as the settings in YaST’s General tab, i.e. stopping and disabling one service, starting and enabling another ), it’s kinda hard to reproduce, unless one is using btrfs and is willing to rollback, use tumbleweed-cli’s commands to restore the situation where this happened … Days of work, no guarantee that it will actually happen.

Before switching from wicked/NetworkManager to systemd-networkd I experienced network problems upon running “zypper dup” several times. These were easily fixed by switching back and force between the two methods and restarting the network between switches.