No mount of SD cardreader: HP Pavilion g7-2248sg laptop

Today, tried to mount an SD card on an HP Pavilion g7-2248sg laptop.

The insertion of the card was not recognised by the os,
openSUSE12.2 + Tumbleweed + kernel. (No difference in the output of cmd lsusb.)

On trying to install rts_pstor-kmp-desktop-1.10_k3.1.10_1.16-1.1.x86_64.rpm
there were 65 Failed dependencies all relating to ksym.

Should ksym be in the kernel or have I missed something?
Should a bug report be raised?

The SD card tried is 16 GB.
No problems were encountered using the SD card using an external card reader
connected via a 3.0 USB port.

Any suggestions appreciated.

I thought I read in the forum there was a problem with kernel-default and kernel-desktop in Tumbleweed, but that it had been fixed? Why do you then install rts_pstor-kmp-desktop-1.10_k3.1.10_1.16-1.1.x86_64.rpm? Also, using Tumbleweed and the latest kernels can present problems that can come up all of the time. If a small thing such as an SD card plugged into USB 3.0 not working is a problem, its my opinion I would then stick with the main openSUSE release where such problems are more rare (at least for now) and does not presently exist. The very nature of the Tumbleweed is constant application upgrades which can and will create these mostly small problems which are often fixed on the next update. Blindly installing random packages is guarantied to not help and can make things worse. I suggest you wait for and try out the next update cycle for Tumbleweed.

Thank You,

hi james,

thx for your response and point of view

all is ok via an external card reader, so its only a minor problem

rts_pstor-kmp-desktop install was attempted (and failed) as others in this forum had success
with it last year for the exact same problem


all is now sorted

identified reader as RTS5229 PCI Express Card Reader (0x5229) from hwinfo

downloaded driver from
PCIE RTS5229 card reader driver for Linux V1.07 2012/7/12 65k

installed without problem, tested with 4 GB card

  •                        :)