No more sudo after upgrade

Hi gents,

Yesterday I upgraded from 15.0 to 15.1. Everything went flawlessly, except that now I can’t no more sudo. I checked with Yast, the rules are the same as for another computer running Tumbleweed. I even tried to replace the sudoers file generated by the installation program with the one saved during the upgrade (, nothing works…

Any idea ?

How did you upgrade?

This might be Bug 1133808 pam-kwallet cause sudo stop working.

I’m seeing signs of activity on that bug, so I expect it to be fixed soon. Personally, I uninstalled pam_kwallet.

@gogalthorp : I upgraded with official DVD downloaded from then updated packages that needed with applet in the task bar

@nrickert : Thanks, I’ll wait for the package update to see if fixed. Annoying, not blocking…

You mean you booted from it and then choose the Upgrade option from the menu?
Another option to upgrade using the DVD would be to install fresh from the DVD while keeping your data (/home, etc.).

Is that the the update applet that uses Packagekit?

Personaly I would prefer YaST > Online update, or zypper up.

That’s how I did, I think an “homologated” way. :wink:

What I mean is that I didn’t upgrade via an obscure recipe obtained from an old guru on a full moon night behind the cemetery during a voodoo ceremony that could have resulted in a broken system.