No microphone on HP DV7 on Tumbleweed

Hi all,
I am hoping someone out there has an old HP DV7 that has successfully gotten the microphone working and can steer me in the right direction. I am thinking it is most likely a setting somewhere, but I cant find the solution anywhere. I ran alsamixer and played with any settings that I thought might help but never found anything that worked. YAST does not seem to be helpful. Does anyone have any ideas? My machine is multi-booted and the mic works elsewhere, so I am confident it is not a hardware issue.

I would like to point you to a blog I have on PulseAudio which includes many good links.

PulseAudio and Selecting the Proper Sound Card Configuration - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

Thank You,

Great stuff! Your article is very simple, clear and thorough. I easily solved my microphone problem in 5 minutes by following your steps. Thanks for the article and taking the time to write it! Made my day! rotfl!

Now I can’t figure out how to mark this post as solved. Does this forum use that tag to posts?

Happy to hear of your success. Users can’t change to top title to add solved. I just add it to my last post title AND you can add it to the Tag Cloud at the bottom of the messages. I will do that for you now.

Thank You,

Got it. You are a one-stop-shop. Thanks for all of your help.