No microphone input

openSUSE 11.4 64bit KDE

I must have been careless in checking through YaST updates as my microphone has stopped working. It works on other computers. Yes it could be the rear motherboard connector, but the front panel connector is dead also. Skype is the only application using the mic and it is set to pulseaudio. I tried krecord and it shows no input. Pavucontrol tells me “No input devices available.” Where do I start to diagnose the problem?

# zypper search -i pulse
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                        | Summary                                                                | Type   
i | alsa-plugins-pulse          | Pulseaudio Plug-In for the ALSA Library                                | package
i | alsa-plugins-pulse-32bit    | Pulseaudio Plug-In for the ALSA Library                                | package
i | libpulse-browse0            | PulseAudio network browsing API                                        | package
i | libpulse-browse0            | pulseaudio: This update corrects the handling of /etc/mplayer/mplaye-> | patch  
i | libpulse-mainloop-glib0     | GLIB 2.0 Main Loop wrapper for PulseAudio                              | package
i | libpulse0                   | Client interface to PulseAudio                                         | package
i | libpulse0-32bit             | Client interface to PulseAudio                                         | package
i | libxine1-pulse              | Pulseaudio plugin for xine                                             | package
i | pulseaudio                  | A Networked Sound Server                                               | package
i | pulseaudio-esound-compat    | ESOUND compatibility for PulseAudio                                    | package
i | pulseaudio-module-bluetooth | Bluetooth support for the PulseAudio sound server                      | package
i | pulseaudio-module-jack      | JACK support for the PulseAudio sound server                           | package
i | pulseaudio-module-lirc      | LIRC module for PulseAudio                                             | package
i | pulseaudio-module-x11       | X11 module for PulseAudio                                              | package
i | pulseaudio-module-zeroconf  | Zeroconf module for PulseAudio                                         | package
i | pulseaudio-utils            | PulseAudio utilities                                                   | package


P.S. Sound has been a consistent problem for me ever since version 9.3 and seems to require constant revision.

Problem solved. Somehow pavucontrol defaults had reset to analog output only instead of analog duplex. Odd, to say the least. Sorry for the bother.

Glad to read its working now. Thanks for sharing your solution.