I have set up a linux system with VirtualBox. Then I created shared folders and set them to auto mount, but the folders aren´t anywhere on the linux machine. After searching a bit I have found a media folder in the “run” folder, but the shared ones arent there either. It´s the first time for me setting up a linux machine…
thanks in advance
How did you set up the share?? using network or using the VB utility??
The standard mounting place for user folders is now “/run/media/username”.
My personal practice is to setup a symbolic link:
ln -s /run/media/$USER media
and then I look in ~media to find mounted USB drives, DVDs etc.
I’m not sure if that is what you were asking.
Thanks for the fast responses. Yes I used the VB ultility
They aren´t there either
I do not believe /run/media/username is created before the first automount, so the symlink will be dead.
Hm okay, and how can I fix this ? As said, first time setting up a Linux system so im completly lost right now I have read something about guest additions when it comes to shared folders, can that be an issue if you dont have them ?
I got it fixed. I had to install the GuestAdditions and also adding me to vboxsf group Thanks for replys