No luck with Radeon HD 4870 and fglrx

So hi everyone.

I have a Problem to get the fglrx-driver and my HD 4870 to work on openSUSE 11.1.

Everytime I installed the driver I get only an black screen on tty7 and can only login on Terminal 1.

Every try to get fglrx to work with SaX2 also ended in a black screen for SaX.

Any Idea what the problem could be…

Here’s my advice:
The ATI driver from the repository is version 8.12 from december, and the RPM hasn’t been updated to the latest OpenSUSE kernel update, so get the installer from AMD. There’s also problems with catalyst/fglrx 9.2 on OpenSUSE. Download version 9.1 instead from the AMD website. Install by running the installer, not by creating RPMs. Just choose all the default options.
When the installer finishes, run these commands(necessary for 64bit):
sudo rm /usr/lib/dri/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/dri/ /usr/lib/dri/
Enter password when prompted.
To finish:
Run the command (minus quotes) “aticonfig --initial” but DO NOT run Sax2.

You may want to tweak the xorg.conf file as well.
I hope this works for you :slight_smile:

After spending more than a week to get my HD4670 card working on OpenSuSE 11.1, I gave up and installed Kubuntu 8.10. Kubuntu installed flawlessly and works out of the box. I realized that Kubuntu installs ATI Catalyst 9.1 drivers and that may be the reason why it worked for me. As CallMe Thing has already mentioned in the previous post, I would directly start with the 9.1 drivers.

Hopefully you can get yours to work!

THX to all…

With the 9.1 it works perfect…no problems at all.

I’ve got exactly the same issue although, this problem remains after installing catalyst 9.1 drivers. Let me introduce the way I did it.

The system was fresh. I installed opensuse 11.1 just a few hours ago. I downloaded ATI catalyst 9.1 for 64-bit version from AMD website. I typed in console


The installation window appeared, so I started the procedure (I didn’t change any options - like you said, it was completely default installation).

After that, i typed in console logged as a root

#sudo rm /usr/lib/dri/
#sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/dri/ /usr/lib/dri/
#aticonfig --initial

than I rebooted. And so, during the system load I got a black screen, xserv never got up, and the only way to operate on system is through failsafe mode, or tty’s. Any ideas, guys?

I’m having problems with the drivers too. I didn’t know this, though:

sudo rm /usr/lib/dri/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/dri/ /usr/lib/dri/

I am having the same trouble, using the 9-4 driver. I have tried it several different ways. I will try it with each older version of the driver and do the aticonfig without the sax bit and see if it works.


I’m having same issue with shephard_marine. After new installation of Suse11.1(64bit), I installed ATI drvier. After reboot, I got blank screen. What can I do? Help?

kattice wrote:

> Hi
> I’m having same issue with shephard_marine. After new installation
> Suse11.1(64bit), I installed ATI drvier. After reboot, I got blank
> screen. What can I do? Help?

Heres the way i do mine and has worked everytime for me and i’m running
64bit as well

  1. Make sure your kernel source is installed, and dowload the ati
    drivers directly from ati and install them.
  2. Run the installer, don’t choose custom, agree to everything.
  3. Log out, and Switch to the first terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1)
  4. Login as root.
  5. Init 3
  6. aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf
  7. sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx
  8. reboot

Cheers Havoc65

Hi Havoc65,

ATI installation states that I shouldn’t use sax2.

I tried with your methods, but still same. Perhapse, I was missing kernel source.
I got following log after installation. It seem i had incorrect kernel source or something.

[Message] Kernel Module : Trying to install a precompiled kernel module.
[Message] Kernel Module : Precompiled kernel module version mismatched.
[Message] Kernel Module : Found kernel module build environment, generating kernel module now.
AMD kernel module generator version 2.1
kernel includes at /usr/src/linux/include not found or incomplete
file: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h
[Error] Kernel Module : Failed to compile kernel module - please consult readme.

I as well have had trouble with the ATI on 64 bit. Here is what I did:

  1. I installed compat-32bit and all of the libraries listed under the 64bit section of the 3. The Hard Way on the how to page. I made sure all the 32-bit libraries were installed. Note that Compat is incompatible with compat-32bit, so I only installed the 32-bit version. Also, there is no compat-libstdc++, so I installed all of the libstdc++ with all the numbers afterwards. Nothing reported any conflicts.

  2. I then ran downloaded and installed the 9-4 driver from ATI.

  3. I ran these commands exactly:

a) sax2 -r
b) aticonfig --initial -f
c) aticonfig --acpi-services=off <— I got this from the ubuntu forums
d) sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx

After this, the 3d started working, however, I can’t get multi screen to work well, even using the ATI Control panal.

So, I have the compiz working on the laptop. I wonder if the acpi-services switch was the trick. It’s the only new thing I tried from all these forums and it seemed to work. I hope this helps.

Okay. My issue has been resolved.

I’m using openSuse 11.1 64bit with Quad Core Intel. The video card is XFX HD4870 (overclocked version).

After so many tried and stuff, it seems my issue was that I was missing kernel-source. Before I install ATI driver, I installed kernel-source, compat-32bit,… gcc (you can get the list at ATI - openSUSE)

After getting all that, I did online update.

I download latest ATI driver which is ati-driver-installer-9-4… so on.

I used default with automatic option. After installation, I checked any error in a file (fglrx-install.log), and you can find this file at /usr/share/ati.

If there is no error, you are good to go. If you have error, you are missing some kernel-source or gcc. (If you get error, I’m not really sure what needs to be done. I ended up reinstall suse. :frowning: )

Last step is

aticonfig --initial

After that restart xwin or just reboot.

you can type fgl_glxgears in terminal to test 3D.

I hope this helped. By the way, thank you for replying Havoc65.

kattice wrote:

> Okay. My issue has been resolved.
> I’m using openSuse 11.1 64bit with Quad Core Intel. The video card is
> XFX HD4870 (overclocked version).
> After so many tried and stuff, it seems my issue was that I was missing
> kernel-source. Before I install ATI driver, I installed kernel-source,
> compat-32bit,… gcc (you can get the list at ‘ATI - openSUSE’
> (
> After getting all that, I did online update.
> I download latest ATI driver which is ati-driver-installer-9-4… so
> on.
> I used default with automatic option. After installation, I checked
> any error in a file (fglrx-install.log), and you can find this file
> at
> /usr/share/ati.
> If there is no error, you are good to go. If you have error, you are
> missing some kernel-source or gcc. (If you get error, I’m not really
> sure what needs to be done. I ended up reinstall suse. :frowning: )
> Last step is
> aticonfig --initial
> After that restart xwin or just reboot.
> you can type fgl_glxgears in terminal to test 3D.
> I hope this helped. By the way, thank you for replying Havoc65.
Glade i was able to help theres been times i forgot kernel-source myself lol

Cheers Havoc65