Hello, im kind of new to Linux, I’ve downloaded and installed OpenSuse Linux 11.2, the whole process went great. I try to browse the web with Firefox and it seems like i have no internet, i put in the google ip address (205something something) and it worked, so I’m assuming its some sort of DNS problem, I have a Realtek Net card (onboard) and my ISP is Qwest.
I’ve had this problem before, and It got solved by unchecking the Ip6 thing and something else in another tab, but this is not working now, anyone knows how to solve this issue?
Try appending ipv6.disable=1 to your boot parameter during startup to see if it solve your problem. If it works, you can then use yast or edit /boot/grub/menu.lst manually to make it always there.
On 11/12/2009 10:06 PM, neowesa wrote:
> Hello, im kind of new to Linux, I’ve downloaded and installed OpenSuse
> Linux 11.2, the whole process went great. I try to browse the web with
> Firefox and it seems like i have no internet, i put in the google ip
> address (205something something) and it worked, so I’m assuming its some
> sort of DNS problem, I have a Realtek Net card (onboard) and my ISP is
> Qwest.
> I’ve had this problem before, and It got solved by unchecking the Ip6
> thing and something else in another tab, but this is not working now,
> anyone knows how to solve this issue?
As has been stated at least 20 times in these forums, delete /etc/resolv.conf
and restart the network connection.
Ok, sorry for over posting, but now i have 2 more questions, how do i restart my network connection and where or how to access the boot file/menu to deactivate the p6 thing?
On 11/13/2009 01:06 AM, neowesa wrote:
> Ok, sorry for over posting, but now i have 2 more questions, how do i
> restart my network connection and where or how to access the boot
> file/menu to deactivate the p6 thing?
To restart your network, do one of the following:
(1) sudo /sbin/rcnetwork restart
(2) sudo ifdown <iface> ; sudo ifup <iface>
(3) Click on the network applet and click on the connect.
No. 2 is used for the traditional ifup method and <iface> is eth0, or whatever.
You can edit the startup options for your kernel with YaST => System => Boot
Loader. Select and edit the kernel you use and add the new info to the “Optional
Kernel Command Line Parameter”. For a one-shot parameter, you can just type it
on the options line in the GRUB menu.
Hey there neowesa, this is Brian with Qwest. It looks like you’ve already gotten some help with getting your internet working. If you need more help with it, feel free to e-mail me at TalkToUs@Qwest.com. I’m more than happy to help, if you’re not able to get your connection up and running.