Can someone explain why all the documentation describing the installation of openSuse 11.0 shows Installation menu in the boot screen but when I boot the Live CD it only provides the following choices:
Because the documentation is for the installation media, i.e., the DVD. The LiveCD’s primary purpose is for demonstration; on it installation is an optional secondary function. Give that, they operate differently.
I should add that, if the installation is started from the LiveCD (it is an option on the Desktop once in the gui), the screens are the same as on the DVD.
The Live CD does not have enough space for an installation. When you boot it and
select the installation, the necessary packages are downloaded from the network.
With the DVD, the packages are on the medium.
Well I’ve made it past getting openSUSE installed, but now working out the X server not starting…wonder why Solaris 10 for x86 installs so smoothly on this hardware but Ubuntu, Sabayon and now openSUSE can’t seem to figure out how to install properly. Does everyone always go through the issues installing openSUSE. I installed openBSD on this same hardware and it installs no trouble and everything works from the get go…
X seems to be complaining about fonts and I have noticed the fonts directory missing basic fonts like 100dpi and TrueType, etc…I guess the old adage of you get what you pay for comes into play here…
Boot into runlevel 3 (type the numeral 3 in Boot Options). Login as your user. Type “startx” - what message to you get. By the way, did you configure the video device yet? Again, boot into runlevel 3, login as user, switch to root (the “su” command), then do:
sax2 -a
or try for a temporary solution:
sax2 -r -m 0=vesa
Post back your video device and from the command line:
Once the problem has been diagnosed, we can tell you why you encountered the problem in the first place. There is a lot more to this picture than you are seeing.
Did you do the md5sum check on the iso followed by the media check on the burn (I prefer to also do a “verify” in the burner itself)? The “pieces missing” symptoms you are describing sound an awful lot like faulty media.