I downloaded and installed the XFCE version for the Pi. It boots to a terminal and I can login as root. But when I invoke startx it fails with…
xinit failed. /usr/bin/Xorg is not setuid
I added user ion and tried from his login. It also fails.
I would like to understand what the error means and then fix it. Thanks in advance.
I downloaded and installed the XFCE version for the Pi. It boots to a terminal and I can login as root. But when I invoke startx it fails with…
xinit failed. /usr/bin/Xorg is not setuid[/CODEI
I added user ion and tried from his login. It also fails.
I would like to understand what the error means and then fix it. Thanks in advance.
Yes, that is normal, is it set to boot graphical or multi-user?
systemctl get-default
{if multi-user}
systemctl set-default graphical.target
Yes, that is normal, is it set to boot graphical or multi-user?
systemctl get-default
{if multi-user}
systemctl set-default graphical.target
As root I invoked
systemctl set-default graphical.target
and now it opens window 7 which reports…
Started update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes
and goes no further.
As root I invoked
systemctl set-default graphical.target
and now it opens window 7 which reports…
Started update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes
and goes no further.
You mean tty7? If you switch to tty 1 do you have a login? All my RPi’s are multi-user, no graphics installed so not really sure.
Yes tty7. And I can login as root on tty1.
Using openSUSE is not critical right now. It’s a borrowed Pi3 and it runs the Raspberry Pi OS perfectly well. I have a Pi4 on order and that will likely chnage a lot things. So please don’t bother with any more suggestions until I have the Pi4 up and running.