Because a picture is worth a thousand words:
Any ideas guys??
Do you happen to have the specifications on this machine?
When trying to install, Press “F5” and select “Safe Settings” to see if this helps
Hope that helps,
Thank u. U mean the specifications of my PC? i3 8gb ram 1050 gtx
Where to press F5? In which screen?
What CPU??
Is this a note book?
F5 Menu screen but it may depend on if you do a EFI or MBR boot install
If EFI then press e find line starting linux or linuxefi go to full end of line (it wraps) add space and nomodeset
You probably will need to add proprietary NVIDIA driver after install
i3 4160, PC not a notebook. I am doing an EFI installation. Thanks for ur answer, i will look into it.
The nomodeset dod the trick. Thanks a lot!!
The “nomodeset” did the trick, thanks a lot!!