I downloaded and installed the CD iso (KDE) of OpenSuse 11.1 as a guest on my VirtualBox 2.1. Went fine. However, when I try to install the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso and I launch the script as root, it starts and then fails telling me I have no GNU compiler.
I installed gcc and 445 MB more, did it again to get the same result. I do not know what’s wrong.
There should be a log file left behind containing the error messages. Read it and report back, or act on the messages if it is obvious what is missing.
It was a painful and long process. I downloaded with dependencies about one giga among them, the packages make, gcc, gcc-c++, kernel-source, kernel-syms, linux-kernel-headers and families
Finally, after two or three trials, it stopped complaining and informed me that VBoxGuestAdditions were installed successfully.
Integration of the mouse is still not here though but at least I can redraw the screen at will.
Any tip for seeing the shared folder. I tried the
“mount -t vboxsf share mount_point” -where mount_point is my declared shared folder, but to no avail.
mount -t vboxsf -o uid=*Host_Username *Shared_Folder /media
Just taking the blue text, (the black text is the same for you)
The Host Username is the home username of the host
The Shared Folder is the folder you designate to share
/media is the place to mount the hosts shared folder in the guest
In windows XP go to windows explorer and map network drive, its a bit slow and sometimes doesn’t seem to respond, but it will in the end. I have had to type in the info myself before now, but it goes something like:
choose the default drive letter z:
enter the address: \vboxsvr*name of host shared folder