I tried reinstalling OpenSUSE 11.0 several times with Gnome. after logon I keep getting the following:
No Exec line in the session file: 01 KDE.
Running the GNOME failsafe session instead.
I previously had a xfce installation (from same installation dvd) and I kept the /home partition.
I think I previously had a Mandriva install with KDE using that /home partition, never formatted it.
Why does it make a problem with KDE? Can I fix this or I should try formatting the partition so I have a fresh /home folder?
If I am not mistaken you find in /home you personal
data but also you’re personal settings ,so if you have use it before for Mandriva , than you’re personal settings for Mandriva is still there as a example for you’re
Web browser etc , so you can get a conflict