"No devices matches MBR identifier: !"

I have a problem:

I’ve made a bootable USB with 10.3 live CD. I can boot successfully using a 10.3 live CD as long as the USB stick is not plugged in, but if I try to boot from the USB stick, or from the CD when the USB stick is plugged in, I get “No devices matches MBR identifier: !” where the bit after the colon is 2 spaces followed by the exclamation mark. I’ve seen this message reported elsewhere but never with a blank for the MBR id.

I’m running on a Dell Insprion 9100 with 1.5G RAM.

Looks like the USB stick is set as the first boot device, and you didn’t post anything if there is any bootable operating system on it. First check your bios setting for device boot priority and if you still want to boot from that stick you should examine the system on it.

Was it possible to make a bootable USB from a 10.3 CD?

How did you make this USB image?