No desktop on boot

Hi everyone,
Since this evening, the kde desktop won’t launch, and I only get the console login after boot. From other threads, I understand that it may be a matter of NVIDIA driver being incompatible with a kernel update, but then what?
How do you fix this?
Thanks for any help.

The incompatibility with the latest kernel update is only a problem if you actually use the latest kernel, i.e. only if you use Tumbleweed or added an additional repo to get the latest kernel.
Not on 13.2 normally, where there hasn’t been any kernel update recently anyway.

Though there seems to be another problem with the nvidia packages currently, not related to the kernel.

Try to boot to “Recovery Mode” (second entry in “Advanced Options” in the boot menu), that should hopefully work.
And then please post the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old.
That should point to the problem.

Thanks for the quick answer.
No better luck with the recovery mode unfortunately. The available kernels are 3.16.7-35 and 32, but none of the options succeed.
I can’t see any obvious error message in the Xorg.0.log.old file, and I don’t know how to copy this file to an external drive from the command line

Ok, I see the nvidia driver has been reverted to the old version meanwhile, so it should work again if you reinstall it.
YaST should work in text mode too, so enter it and “update unconditionally” all packages with nvidia in the name (i.e. search for nvidia).

This should do as well, if you are using the latest G04 driver:

sudo zypper in -f nvidia-gfxG04-kmp-desktop x11-video-nvidiaG04 nvidia-glG04 nvidia-computeG04

If you use another version, you have to replace G04 with G02 or G03 correspondingly.
For G03, you should add nvidia-uvm-gfxG03-kmp-desktop to the list though, and G02 doesn’t have any nvidia-glG02 so omit it…

This only works if you have Internet connection in text mode though.
If you are using wireless with NetworkManager (setup as user connection), run “nmtui” first to connect.

That worked! It’s really nice to have some quick support in such situations.

Great! :slight_smile:

It’s really nice to have some quick support in such situations.

Yeah, we try.

But it’s also nice to have quick support by the corresponding developers/maintainers in such situations… :wink:
Especially in the case of the nvidia driver, there’s not much we forum people (or even openSUSE contributors) can do really.

I got the same problem in LEAP 42.1, so I’ve tried the same solution, but it tells me that nvidia-gfxG04-kmp-desktopis not found.

I’ve been staring at it, trying to see if I have made a typo (I’m using a different machine to access this forum) but I haven’t. Is there a different package name for LEAP 42.1?

I think that the typo was in the advice, and it should have been nvidia-gfxG04-kmp-default.

However, zypper fails because it tells me the packages are not found in the nvidia repo. This is very strange.

I#d use Yast to force the reinstall, but I don’t know how to do this in the text version. Advice on this would be most welcome.

When you upgrade you may need to reinstall the video driver. can be done from a terminal

To boot to terminal press e at the grub boot screen find line starting linux or linixefi go to end of line (it wraps) add a space and a 3 then F10 to continue boot

log in as root then type yast search for nvidia install or reinstall Note you need to have the nvidia repo active

Yes, but how do I force a reinstall in text mode. It’s easy enough in graphics mode, but I can’t see how to change it in the text mode.

Uninstall and reinstall

Not really.
This thread was about openSUSE 13.2 (see the title), and 13.2 uses kernel-desktop by default.

You are using Leap 42.1, where kernel-desktop has been dropped.

However, zypper fails because it tells me the packages are not found in the nvidia repo. This is very strange.

Apparently the repo metadata is wrong currently for some reason.

To get a desktop, I would suggest to just remove the driver completely until this is fixed.

Select a package, press TAB to get to the “Actions” menu below the package list, press Enter and choose “Update”.

Thanks for all this. I have now hit further problems trying to deinstall, so, rather than fill up this thread - which, as you pointed out - was supposed to be about a 13.2 problem, I have started a new one.