No cursor in Gnome(11.2) but Focus only

Hey guys :slight_smile:

I have been using OpenSuse 11.2 Gnome since months and It was working smooth till yesterday.Today , when i switched on my system and booted to linux , what I see is that I dont see a cursor :stuck_out_tongue: . So , I moved my mouse and realized that focus is still there.

I then logged on to windows and googled it , then I executed sax2 in su mode and then rebooted , but then the resolution changes (though the cursor is visible).

Then I execute , aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf and then reboot. I get back the original resolution but again…cursor missing :frowning: . So , currently m on sax2(dont know much abt it , still a noob) while i post this.

well , gfx card is ATI HD4850 and monitor is SAMSUNG SyncMaster 16:9

Please guys , guide me through this :slight_smile:

No one with the solution ? c’mon guys…help me out plz !

help me out guys ! :expressionless:

Did you install the ATI driver?

Have you read

openSUSE Graphic Card Practical Theory Guide for Users

Maan , I already mentioned that everything was working fine till this happened. :slight_smile: (I installed ATI drivers and were working fine !)

All the desktop effects were working then and are working now too , just that am not able to see the cursor.

Currently am on sax2(hence , I can see the cursor but no desktop effects and true resolution) and not on ATI drivers.

So ?

Did you try a different user maybe something is messed in the Gnome config files.

I suspect everyone is scratching there heads on this one. Your problem appears to be unique.

Nah , I didnt try a different user , I dont know much about it as I use it for programming(am learning) purposes only !

lol , maybe but there must be some solution that I can try , it really feels odd that no one except you took the pain to reply :stuck_out_tongue:

Note :- If anybody comes up with a solution , please post step by step procedure for how to do it your way as am a noob :slight_smile: