No CD/DVD after K3B

Completely new to Linux. Have installed 11.1, KDE 3.5, on Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop, tried to burn my first DVD without success with K3B, it asked about changing Joilet filenames (said something about being too long) after non-success with K3B laptop cannot see or read or boot from ANY CD or DVD, device is seen in Yast/Hardware. Tried setting CMOS to defaults but no success. Any disc inserted just sits there spinning like it trying to be read. Was trying to burn some files saved from a Windows machine, pictures, PDF’s, etc on a USB harddrive enclosure. Don’t know any terminal command line stuff by the way.
Thank you for any help.

Okay, seems I can read audio CD’s fine, just not work with any CDs made on a Windows system? So all my Windows backups are no useless on Opensuse? Seems to be a Joliet filesystem issue? How to change back?

i’m using DVDs burned in windows and upto my knowledge everything wen fine after doin the below given info
what i did was to add user to “disk” and “cd-rom” groups in Yast - security and users - user and group management, edit user, and add these to user

Thank you momofooze, added user to “disk” and “cdrom” groups and restarted with same issue, cannot boot from any disc or read anything other than audio cds. Seems K3B disabled Joliet extensions? Found nothing so far on re-enabling. Removed K3B, no help.Seems a very serious error with K3B allowing this, no options in K3B to change anything in filesystems for CD.