No booting - errors with grub

GRUB does not accept my hard disk - no system disk is shown at the beginning of the boot process. There must be an error in the Master Boot Record.
How can I repair the MBR of my S-ata hard Disk Drive?

Best regards


GRUB does not “show” HDs. It lets you choose from the partitions registered in the kernel. So basically you’re not being able to see a partition, or at least that’s what I’m getting from this. If that is the case, there are quite a few things that could have caused it: You messed around with GRUB configuration in YAST; Some silly error occurred while installing SuSE(while autoconfig was looking for partitions.), And the last thing that comes to my mind is that you updated your kernel recently and it caused this problem. Updating the kernel does a lot of weird things. It can remove drivers, manipulate certain hardware. If the kernel caused this, I personally know only 1 way so far, since I’m new to Linux, reinstall SuSE(if you don’t have a whole lot of stuff saved). Otherwise, I’m not sure how, but you can definitely go 1 step backwards and install an older version of the kernel. I’ll try to get some help. People that might know how to.

Good luck until then. And again, That’s what I’m getting from what you posted. Might not be the case.


Don’t reinstall openSUSE right off. It probably is fixable. First thing: what exactly is the problem and how did that problem start? I’m reading so far that you used to be able to boot into openSUSE fine, then today you booted the computer and just got a black screen with absolutely no communication or useful info from the computer – just black. Is that right?