No bluetooth a2dp sound profile available anymore since Tumbleweed kernel update 6.4.x

The headline actually says it all :wink: . Does anyone have more information about the problem?
Kind regards, Sven

That might be on your end. All good with 6.4.3-1.1.

Did you inspect logs? sudo journalctl -b
If you want to send here upload them with susepaste.

I can’t say exactly what it was, but now it works after trying a few things. It could not apply the a2dp sink profile to the headphone. By the way, I am using kernel 6.4.4.
For example, I copied /usr/share/doc/packages/bluez/main.conf to /etc/bluetooth/main.conf, unlocked the experimental features, and rebooted. Also, I installed pavucontrol-qt, set A2DP although not available, and then restarted bluetooth.
And suddenly it worked and the profile was available.