No "Auto Login" wanted - Who cares...


Latest TW 64bit with KDE.

Linux dellscsi6 4.10.5-1-default #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 22 13:15:00 UTC 2017 (f3fbfc6) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Never had activated auto-login on boot, but this morning it was automagically activated. And I cannot turn off. I can go to Settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Login Screen (SDDM) -> Advanced and uncheck the “Auto Login” say “Apply”, enter the root password. All fine. But on next reboot autologin is active again.

The Theme chosen in the same menu is “Breeze for openSUSE”, but when I logout I see “Breeze” (just blue background) and if I login again, the “autologin” option is checked again in the system settings.

How to resolve that? :expressionless:

Yast Security and Users > User and Group Admin > click on ‘Expert Options’ button and uncheck ‘Autologin’.

Hey! Login-screen is back! But still wrong theme, and no way to get back to TW-theme, only blue background. Strange, as I never changed any settings…