No Audio Opensuse

Hi geekos, I’ve been using opensuse and a few other distros for a while but they all have the same issue. When I install the OS to my hard drive everything works fine but the sound always cuts off eventually! I dont like to bring up windows platforms but the sound is never an issuse with windows. I’m using kde and all the audio devices show up when i click the speaker icon. everything appears exactly the same as when i installed opensuse but again the sound! there is absolutly no sound coming from earphones or speakers. one device is USB and the other plugs directly to the AUX output. and everything seems to be configured properly. has linux not reached a point where auido should be 100% completely stable just like windows? No documention has helped so far. again everything appears as if it should be working. Has anyone had the same experience and found a good solution? Thanks

by the way. i have indeed tried re plugging the devices multiple times.

Welcome to openSUSE Forums. I would argue that for most users, their sound just works. There is always going to be the odd corner case though - often with something unique to the user’s particular system. Unfortunately, verbal descriptions like this don’t really tell us much about your hardware. Please start by sharing some definitive technical information. That might help others to advise further. Run the following in a terminal as a regular user:

inxi -MAa
systemctl --user list-units | egrep "wire|pulse"

inxi -MAa
systemctl --user list-units | egrep "wire|pulse"

@susethegoose Hi, you need to update your system with zypper -vvv dup it’s running old software… kernel 6.4.11, Tumbleweed is on 6.12.8.

but why would the software need to be updated? if the drivers worked before they should work now right? thanks though

@susethegoose not necessarily, there could be bug fixes in there some where for your hardware, firmware upgrades etc. What release of Tumbleweed are you on cat /etc/os-release The latest is (released today) 20250109

If not up to date, very hard to support…

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