On 2010-10-31 19:35, DenverD wrote:
> Carlos E. R. wrote:
>> How can I force thunderbird to always open groups with ALL threads
>> collapsed?
> short version: as far as i can know there is no way to set what you
> want because it seems to me that T-Bird will always open at least
> one thread with an unread post…in my case it opens the oldest thread
> with an unread post…
> hope this will help (it may not):
> i set each forum group to display (under the “View” item in the menu
> line) threaded and by date with oldest thread with an unread posts at
> the top and newest threads at the bottom…so, when so i click to
> switch to a group, the FIRST thing i do is just hit space bar one
> time and it magicly jumps to the oldest thread’s unread post…if it
> is in a thread i don’t wanna read, i grab the slider on the right and
> pull it down, or actually i click below the slider and it scrolls down
> allowing me to skim subject lines of all collapsed threads (after
> that ONE is passed) until i see a thread i wanna enter and click on it…
Ah… interesting… though I’d rather see the newest first
What you describe is what I have. Usually I get one near the bottom, ie,
newest posts. But it tends to open a thread that I’m not interested at
the moment, I prefer to see all collapsed and then select one of those
marked “watched” with new posts, ie, bold font.
> may not work for you…if you wanna force all collapsed i bet the
> mozilla forum has folks who do know how to do that without having to
> hack the code and recompile!
I thought someone here might know the trick, if it exists
You know how many years it took the mozilla people to put a
reply-to-list button? Or in the browser to sign (pkcs)? That one meant
that for several years, to do signed business transactions we had to use
netscape 4.7. I know because some chaps from the Spanish signing
authority (the chaps that make paper and metal money, clinking clanking
sound etc) thought that it was time that mozilla had this needed feature
and pushed hard for it. I think they even set up a test site, lent devs
or who knows.
So, for a feature to creep into mozilla, I expect it to take years. Many
It could be worse… there is a site collecting money to pay devs to add
some html write capabilities to kmail… No kidding! >:-)
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” at Telcontar)