nntp gateway acting up again.


this post, #5, the bottom part of the post is lost via nntp, and then
the answer in #6 is unintelligible.

What happens is that the second part of the post appears as quoted text,
camouflaged as part of the previous post. There is a end QUOTE mark that
is missing the opening bracket.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 01/07/12 23:18, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> Hi,
> In
> > this post, #5,](http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/applications/476450-php-probem-setting-up-server-frontaccounting.html#post2472328) the bottom part of the post is lost via nntp, and then
> the answer in #6 is unintelligible.
> What happens is that the second part of the post appears as quoted text,
> camouflaged as part of the previous post. There is a end QUOTE mark that
> is missing the opening bracket.


Post #5 is all there for me. Though I would say it’s difficult to
distinguish the quote and reply content.

Post #6 is all there and completely fine for me.

On Mon, 02 Jul 2012 03:28:39 +0000, caf4926 wrote:

> On 01/07/12 23:18, Carlos E. R. wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In
>> this post, #5,](http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/

I see that every once in a while myself, where a quoted bit doesn’t end
properly. Haven’t been able to determine what the deal is that causes
that to happen.

> Post #6 is all there and completely fine for me.

Same here.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at http://tinyurl.com/openSUSE-T-C

On 07/02/2012 06:34 AM, Jim Henderson wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Jul 2012 03:28:39 +0000, caf4926 wrote:
>> On 01/07/12 23:18, Carlos E. R. wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> In
> applications/476450-php-probem-setting-up-server-
> frontaccounting.html#post2472328"]
>>> this post, #5,](http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/
> I see that every once in a while myself, where a quoted bit doesn’t end
> properly. Haven’t been able to determine what the deal is that causes
> that to happen.

in this case it appears (from looking at the nntp vesion) that
vBulletin (or maybe the gateway??) inappropriately omitted used a
leading “” to surround the closing “/QUOTE]”

and, it was just a couple of days ago i pointed to an instance in which
a “*” was where a “]” should have been…

there are gremlins somewhere!

>> Post #6 is all there and completely fine for me.

i also have #6 and i think Carlos and i share OS and TB versions…so, i
guess his problem with #6 lies somewhere outside of vBulletin/gateway…

OH, i noted yesterday that a momentary press of “Delete” key in TB 13
results in an immediate/no warning prior to deletion of the highlighted

and no confirmation afterwards either (just press and poof, gone)

in TB 12 my delete key didn’t work at all and i had to click click click
to delete, so i guess they “fixed it”…

so, Carlos maybe you accidentally fat fingered the delete key while #6
was active ??


On 2012-07-02 10:20, dd@home.dk wrote:
> On 07/02/2012 06:34 AM, Jim Henderson wrote:
>> On Mon, 02 Jul 2012 03:28:39 +0000, caf4926 wrote:

> in this case it appears (from looking at the nntp vesion) that vBulletin
> (or maybe the gateway??) inappropriately omitted used a leading “” to
> surround the closing “/QUOTE]”


>>> Post #6 is all there and completely fine for me.
> i also have #6 and i think Carlos and i share OS and TB versions…so, i
> guess his problem with #6 lies somewhere outside of vBulletin/gateway…

The problem with #6 is that as I missed the reply in #5 I could not
understand it. Not the fault of #6, but of #5.

Only after I looked at the web side I saw the complete #5, and after I
started writing here I noticed that the missing part in #5 was not missing,
but camouflaged as quoted.

> OH, i noted yesterday that a momentary press of “Delete” key in TB 13
> results in an immediate/no warning prior to deletion of the highlighted post…
> and no confirmation afterwards either (just press and poof, gone)
> in TB 12 my delete key didn’t work at all and i had to click click click to
> delete, so i guess they “fixed it”…

That’s some fixing.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 02/07/12 12:23, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> That’s some fixing.

Awesome !

I’m having to careful on this netbook, as I easily hit the wrong key or
more that the one I was aiming at :smiley:

On 07/02/2012 01:47 PM, caf4926 wrote:
> I’m having to careful on this netbook, as I easily hit the wrong key or
> more that the one I was aiming at :smiley:

i’ve often made fun of (laughed) at all the “Are you really really
really sure you want to delete this file . . .”

but, it was quite rude how i discovered the TB “Delete” button really
really works, again…really!


On 2012-07-02 14:31, dd@home.dk wrote:

> but, it was quite rude how i discovered the TB “Delete” button really
> really works, again…really!

Maybe it can be disabled in about:config.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 07/02/2012 02:53 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> Maybe it can be disabled inabout:config.

actually, i like that it works again–NOW that i know it does.


On Mon, 02 Jul 2012 08:20:12 +0000, dd wrote:

> in this case it appears (from looking at the nntp vesion) that
> vBulletin (or maybe the gateway??) inappropriately omitted used a
> leading “” to surround the closing “/QUOTE]”

That seems like it might be the case. To fix it, I need to be able to
reproduce it so I can see what the gateway is doing wrong.

> and, it was just a couple of days ago i pointed to an instance in which
> a “*” was where a “]” should have been…

That is different, as it appears to be the user’s editing that caused
that issue (the error is on the NNTP side and the web side in that
instance, which leads me to that conclusion).

But if it is a gateway bug, again steps to reproduce it are essential to
understanding what is happening and how to fix it.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at http://tinyurl.com/openSUSE-T-C

On 07/02/2012 07:43 PM, Jim Henderson wrote:
> if it is a gateway bug, again steps to reproduce it are essential to
> understanding what is happening and how to fix it.

sure is hard sometimes to force a seemingly random occurrence to reveal
its actual required environmental conditions…

such is life. [for the most part the gateway is miles ahead in stability
and dependability…so . . . i just try to read through the obvious
quoting mistakes…it has been going on for years…there was a period
of about two years that almost every oldcpu post was quoted wrong on
the nntp side…i don’t know what changed, but it did…]


On Mon, 02 Jul 2012 18:55:58 +0000, dd wrote:

> On 07/02/2012 07:43 PM, Jim Henderson wrote:
>> if it is a gateway bug, again steps to reproduce it are essential to
>> understanding what is happening and how to fix it.
> sure is hard sometimes to force a seemingly random occurrence to reveal
> its actual required environmental conditions…

Indeed it is - if it were easy, all the other problems we’ve been having
would be resolved by now. :slight_smile:

> such is life. [for the most part the gateway is miles ahead in stability
> and dependability…so . . . i just try to read through the obvious
> quoting mistakes…it has been going on for years…there was a period
> of about two years that almost every oldcpu post was quoted wrong on
> the nntp side…i don’t know what changed, but it did…]

Yeah, it seems that a badly-placed blank line can throw things off. Free
form text can be difficult to parse accurately, that’s for sure.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at http://tinyurl.com/openSUSE-T-C

On 2012-07-02 16:46, dd@home.dk wrote:
> On 07/02/2012 02:53 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
>> Maybe it can be disabled inabout:config.
> actually, i like that it works again–NOW that i know it does.

It might be this one: news.allow_delete_with_no_undo
Yep, it is :slight_smile:

I don’t like accidents like that, I have no use for the fast delete key.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 07/03/2012 01:48 AM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> It might be this one: news.allow_delete_with_no_undo
> Yep, it is :slight_smile:

oh wow, i like that set to false even better!! thanks.


On 07/03/2012 01:48 AM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> news.allow_delete_with_no_undo
> I don’t like accidents like that, I have no use for the fast delete key.

i have noticed that (even with the new.etc set to false) when in the
mail directory (if you use TB for mail) there also the Delete button is
a no warning, fast delete…

well, now that i look deeper, it will go to the “Trash” folder…so, it
is more a move than a delete! but, still i might accidentally hide an
important message from myself, because i expected to be in the
inbox–where it is no longer…


On 2012-07-03 14:01, dd@home.dk wrote:

> i have noticed that (even with the new.etc set to false) when in the mail
> directory (if you use TB for mail) there also the Delete button is a no
> warning, fast delete…
> well, now that i look deeper, it will go to the “Trash” folder…so, it is
> more a move than a delete! but, still i might accidentally hide an
> important message from myself, because i expected to be in the inbox–where
> it is no longer…

Well, the setting I found is only for news. For mail you need to find
another one :slight_smile:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 2012-07-02 14:31, dd@home.dk wrote:
> but, it was quite rude how i discovered the TB “Delete” button really
> really works, again…really!

Mind, that if you hit delete on your own news post, it will try to delete
the post at the openSUSE nntp server. If you hit it before the gateway has
run, it will be really deleted from there.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 07/03/2012 02:13 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> For mail you need to find another one:-)

ow! i looked and didn’t find…

so, i like it fast (Anyway, only Windows people need those training wheels!)


On 07/03/2012 02:23 PM, Carlos E. R. wrote:
> it will be really deleted from there.

yes i know…i have done it many times (on purpose) when i read my
posted reply and see bad boo-boos that i can delete before the
gate…and correct/re-post at leisure…

if the gateway has run i just leave the mess (unless it could harm
another, or slow down progress–that is i don’t bother with spelling,
word choice, grammar, etc etc…but, wrong command line code (or just
stupid instructions) is marked, even after the gate…by a second post…

[by the way: i can post all i want now and no one can accuse me of only
posting to run up a post count!]
