So at the urging of a coworker, I upgraded my opensuse 11 install to 11.1 a few days ago. Everything’s “relatively” ok, except my NFS mounts stopped working. I have 6 servers I connect to. It’s really a problem, and I want to go back to 11.0 as a result. It seems like the daemon is hanging. Any suggestions on how to run it in a debug mode or something to figure out where the error is? I’ve been configuring it using yast’s NFS client app.
Have you tried setting them up from fresh again?
My experience with the upgrade is that it is easier to do a fresh install - as lomg as /home is backed up or ona a separaate partition.
you mean my OS install? i’ve thought about it, it’s a work machine though, a bit of a PIA to scratch it right now (and yes, at this point i regret doing the upgrade).
i have noticed that the issue seems to resolve around /etc/mtab~. If I kill that file I can sudo mount -a and get everything loaded. i read on here a solution involving putting a sleep on the mount command in init.d; but that doesn’t seem to fix the mtab~ issue.
At this point though, I can get it to work; so it’s not a huge loss.
I too am having this problem. Nuking mtab doesn’t seem to make it work, though. I’d love a resolution to this, as I was very happy with my mini-home network over Opensuse before, and now it just doesn’t work.
Are you killing mtab or mtab~? mtab just lists the mounts… deleting this won’t fix anything. my problem is that during start up, mtab~ is there, but it can’t be overwritten for some reason.