NFS/NIS troubleshooting

Hi all,

After a disk crash, I installed a fresh 11.3 on a server. Everything runs smoothly… but NFS and NIS access, which I configured as usual. My previous system was a 11.3 upgraded from 11.2. Has anything dramatically changed with 11.3?

NFS server configuration: NFSv4 disabled, /home exported with default options (ro switched to rw).

NFS client configuration: default; I get a “cannot mount nfs entry from fstab” error.

NIS server configuration: master NIS server, domain name set up, all maps checked (while testing), netmasks/networks

NIS client configuration: I input domain name, server, no broadcast option. “No NIS server found”.

Stopping the firewall on the server doesn’t help, so I guess this comes from NFS and NIS or something behind both.

Help, please! All I did worked previously, I’m struck. :frowning:

Got it back working. A combination of strange behavior from the firewall and me goofing part of the config.