NFS - Mountpoint inside share, not shared

[/li][li]openSUSE 11.0 (64 bits)
[/li][li]KDE 4.0
[/li][li]/etc/fstab (mountpoint)

/dev/md1 /home/Server/Archive ext3 acl,user,xattr 0 0

[li]Options configured in Yast2 > Network Services > NFS Server rw,async,all_squash
[/li]li IP:
[/li][li]openSUSE 11.0 (64 bits)
[/li][li]KDE 4.1
[/li][li]/etc/fstab (mountpoint)
[/li] /home/Pascal/Shared\040files nfs defaults 0 0

[/ul][/LIST]On my NFS-server I got a directory /home/Server/Shared/ and inside it the mountpoint to a software raid 5 array /home/Server/Shared/Archive/.

I got access to everything besides the mountpoint in the /home/Server/Shared folder just fine, so I assume it’s running properly. However… when I navigate to the /home/Server/Shared/Archive/ mountpoint on a client with Dolphin it comes up with an empty folder, and it still shows the free space as that of the original disk instead of the raid array from the mountpoint.

So how do I get the NFS share configured in a way where it shares the mountpoint as well?
(I worked around it for now by making the mountpoint itself an NFS share as well which works fine… but I’d prefer to have to set up 1 nfs mountpoint instead of 2)

NFS doesn’t automatically export separate filesystems. You have to do two exports.

Not sure I understand you fully, but you’re saying my workaround

is actually the only way?

(Bit confused as you mentioned filesystems instead of partitions or disks/arrays and both the raid array and the disk it’s mounted on to make use of the Ext3 filesystem)

It means that your work around is the real solution.

On the server you export a directory (does not have to be a mount point!!), but when below that dirctory is a mount point that other file-sytem is not exported. After all it could be a NFS mount itself. Being exported from a third system with all sorts of restrictions (think about that C only alows A to mount and A would export to B?)

So you have to do a second mount, which off course can be on the proper place in your client, but the mounting then must be in he right sequence! So put them in /etc/fstab in the right sequence!

I see, thank you hcw for the clarification and ken_yap thanks for answering yet another one my questions/topics.