NFS and NFS4 on 11.3 Question

I have a desktop and a laptop, both running:

Linux PVE-LinuxSRV5 #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-10-07 19:07:51 +0200 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

KDE 4.5.2

I used YAST to set up a share on each(server side).
I then used YAST to set up a mount point on each(client side).

The setup works fine if I do not select the “Use NFS4” option, but does not work if NFS4 is selected.

Am I doing something wrong, missing a step or should I just wait for what appears to be a problem, based on similar posts yesterday, to be resolved?


You could wait, but you also just use version 3 for years to come. Except when you feel an urgent need to use version 4.

I do not know if this is applicable to your set-up, but there are differences between both versions in the path to be used for the export and the mount. (Sorry to make this superfluous remark as you have allready studied yestedays NFS threads where I said the same).