newmoon does not work, requiring, which is not provided from anywhere.

hello. When trying to install with yast2 I get an error because is not found.
It seems to be required for newmoon-28.7.2-lp151.1.25.x86-64, where can I install this from?
Also, I want to install and use both newmoon and palemoon (I really do not like browsers that flash out the loading screen! I do not want to use firefox and waterfox because they are so)
Where can I install palemoon or newmoon for tumbleweed?

You tagged this as Tumbleweed, yet the package numbering contains lp151, which means it’s for Leap 15.1 . Please show

zypper lr -d

between CODE tags, the # in the editor layout.

aaaathanks! your right! i use leap 15.1 repository. i forgot written. sorry for i mistake with newbee level.
now. i can use newmoon. i no have pain for eye with loading web page. thanks.