Hi I am a newbie and have a problem with Suse 12.1 Gnome. I wanted to set up an VPN ( I have one in Win7) but firstly I cannot find the network manager. There is no icon . I actually installed the KDE version but all I had was a message that Network Manger needs to be started. I gave up after a day. Now I am still in the same boat. No network Manager that I can enter the VPN coordinates into, Do I need to install more software from yast, if so what.
I really would appreciate some help and as I am a new pensioner without too many abbrv’s
Well, first of all, it would be nice to know if you did set networkmanager to control you network.
You can do this in yast - system - edit /etc/sysconfig - - search for “network” – “General” – “Networkmanager” is set to “yes”.
Alternatively, you open yast - network devices - settings and you click on network should be managed by networkmanager (save and close).
Let me know if this is correctly set.
Just as stakanov said… go start button (like windows, but the lizard) up and over to computer, then up to the top Yast… enter you root password when asked, then… network devices (on the left) - network settings (on the right) - Global Options and you click on User controlled with Networkmanager (save and close).
Right click on the desktop… select + add widgets - a bar will open on the bottom with a search field… search for ‘network manager’… drag and drop network management onto your desktop. From here, it will find your card(s)… click on the card on the left if it doesn’t automatically connect, to initiate it connecting. it will tell you when it is connected. That should do it!
You may also have to check your setting in the browser, once you know your card is connecting, to get to the internet.
Post back if you need more help.