Newborn Here

Hello all,

Before I get to my problem, let me ask that you please excuse my newbieness. I have been on the windows platform all my life, and really have been hesitant about giving linux a try… Well here I am… I have been using and repairing computers for well over 10yrs so im not dumb when it comes to PCs, just linux. My ultimate goal is to get linux working properly on my machine so that I can start using joomla.

So heres my issue… Ive installed suse linux 9.2 (I recived a complete box installation package with books and 2 dvds). Anyways, I can surf the net, so my LAN card must be installed properly, but I dont get any sound. I have a Asus p5nsli MB, and am using the onboard audio ports. I have the cd that came with the MB and it has linux drivers on them. I read online enough to know that you are suppose to install the files through the console. So I opend the cd and dragged the sounds drivers (yes 64bit version, and yes im in the root console) over to the console and pressed enter. Eventually I get to a point where it tells me that there is no precomplied kernel interface was found to match my kernel and then it wants to create a new kernel interface and fails. I tried to research this topic through google but am too much of a newb to really understand whats going on.

Please if anyone could, help me out. Try to explain to me how im being dumb and what I can do to fix it. Help keep me from just giving up and going back to XP/Vista.


Hello imnotorginal, welcome here – you should get the help you need.

I’m not a sound guy so this isn’t the answer to your question. Sound PPL, speak up.

But I’ve got a drive-by comment: was 64 bit invented way back when 9.2 was released – 2004, I suppose so, but it was a bit problematic I then I think. Anyway, the openSUSE 11.0 with either KDE3.5 or Gnome is just so special, and the sound should shatter the cosmos by default. Think about dld that one.


Welcome :slight_smile:
I think your main problem is that 9.2 is outdated and they don’t even support it any more as far as updates.
Kind of like trying to install Win98 on today’s systems.

You could try going into Yast and configure your sound and make sure your volume is turned up and not muted.
Also hit the test button when configuring your sound and see if it will play a sound.

But as Swerdna suggested you will be a lot further ahead downloading Suse 11.0 DVD and install KDE 3.5.9 or Gnome desktop.
And it will probably save you a lot of frustration.

Linux is different than Windows. But once you take the time to get familiar with it. You will love it.

thanks for the info. I guess i should have checked my version date before installing. Im sure ill be back with questions.

Welcome! :slight_smile:

As suggested above, upgrading to 11.0 would be the best idea for you in this case. While having the boxed version is great, 9.2 is very outdated, and lacks many of the major innovations made in the past couple of years. Sorry to suggest that you install a different version right after you installed another version, but like Doog said, it will save you a lot of time and frustration in the future, plus, just about everything will have updates for it, rather than in 9.2, were updates will be hit and miss. The following links are for the downloading and installing OpenSUSE 11.0, as well as documentation for OpenSUSE 11.0:

If you want to try both Gnome and KDE, refer to this:

Once you install, refer to these:

Once you install OpenSUSE 11.0, try this to change sound settings:

  1. Open YaST*
  2. Enter root password
  3. Click “Sound” under the “Hardware” heading
  4. Wait for devices to load
  5. Click the “Other” dropdown
  6. Select “Volume…” from the list
  7. Here you can change the volume settings
  8. When finished, press “OK”
  9. Press “Finish”

*If you are unsure of how to open YaST, try this:

Method 1

  1. Open the main menu on the bottom-left
  2. Open the Application window
  3. Select “YaST” under the “System” heading
  4. (Close the application window if it does not automatically)

Method 2 (Terminal)

  1. Open a new terminal window (search “terminal” in the application window)

  2. Enter the command su

  3. Enter the root password when prompted

  4. Issue the command yast2
    (or /sbin/yast2)

  5. (YaST window will open)

Hope it goes smooth for you.

If you need any help, feel free to ask! :slight_smile: