newbie needs simple install instruc. with .tar files

Hi There. I am still very new to Linux. im running KDE 4 and I still havent figured out how to install tar files properly using the console or any way for that matter. Im having a hard time finding no-brainer step by step instructions on how to open the console or use whichever applications necessary to install a tar file. Specifically, one Ive recently downloaded called turboprint (30-day trial). Ive tried clicking on the tgz file on my desktop then clicking “extract” and It seems to extract somewhere but thats basically as far as I could get. Ive tried following some simple instructions on the turboprint site but it involves typing commands. When I type the commands I get a message returned that the file or folder I’m specifying doesn’t exist. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there are other forums where more beginner questions like this should be posted instead of this one please let me know.
Thank you

Firstly - Let me say.

You do not need Turboprint

What is your printer?

Its a Canon Pixma MP510 I cant seem to get it working. It doesnt seem to be even detected. It looked as if others had success with the multifunctionals using turboprint but If there’s another way im all game to try.

Not very nice

have you read here
OpenPrinting database - Printer: Canon PIXMA MP510

there seem to be some linux drivers here:

to install rpm’s
use a terminal in dolphin - go su
and then install like this

rpm -ihv package name

Sorry these are very elementary question, but what does"-go su" mean,
I have figured out using the terminal in dolphin but I cant seem to locate the rpm file which is on my desktop. How can I move it if I need to. I tried just clicking on it and it started the Yast package manager. a few seconds pass and a message comes up: "Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: Failed dependencies: cnijfilter-common >=2.70 is needed by cnijfilter-mp510-2.70-2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter mp510-2.70.2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter mp510-2.70.2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter mp510-2.70.2.i386 …etc
Am I in above my head?

Am I in above my head?


Notice it says:

Failed dependencies: cnijfilter-common >=2.70 is needed by cnijfilter-mp510-2.70-2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter mp510-2.70.2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter mp510-2.70.2.i386

This is a problem with installing rpm’s manually like this, there will be dependancy issues. Usually the site providing such packages should list dependancies for you but they don’t seem to. Anyway - maybe it’s worth having a go.

If you have the terminal showing in Dolphin - find the file you downloaded.

If it’s on the desktop, you can cut and paste it to your /home/username (username = the username you chose at install)

In the terminal type: su (then hit enter)
now type the root password (hit enter again)
N.B. The password characters do not display as you type

rpm -ihv package name

If the package name is long and awkward to type - right click the file - properties and copy and paste the text of the package name to the terminal - you have to use the mouse actions to copy and paste in a terminal.

Thanks so much for the tips so far. i managed to get the file in the proper folder no problem, and typed the commands and the same or at least similar error message arose:
Failed dependencies:
cnijfilter-common >= 2.70 is needed by cnijfilter-mp510-2.70-2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter-mp510-2.70-2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter-mp510-2.70-2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter-mp510-2.70-2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter-mp510-2.70-2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter-mp510-2.70-2.i386 is needed by cnijfilter-mp510-2.70-2.i386

I love learning this as time consuming as it may be. I really am appreciative of the existence of such open software and OS possibilities. If I could just get the printer working, I’d almost always be on linux. Im learning, thanks to the forums and those who take their time to patiently help beginners like me.

You have to try and source all the dependancies. If they are not on the suse dvd or in the repo’s, you will have to google them. It all starts to get rather complicated, but see how you get on.

If it were me, I woul dump Canon in favor of HP

What I do is to have a separate folder for such downloads.
I add to folders as an install source in YaST.
If you install the .rpm that way, through YaST all the dependencies will be met through your repo’s.
If not, try to install them manually, in case it is just a few of them, in case the are more, just forget it !

BTW “su” means ‘super user’ / administrator, the one who has root privileges.

Hope this isn’t confusing you too much but there is a much easier way to install rpms and all their dependencies than messing with rpm directly.

Firstly find out where you have downloaded the rpms. For example it might be /home/username/Desktop.

Open a terminal window (if you are in KDE4, the program to use is konsole) and type

cd {whereever the rpms are, e.g. /home/username/Desktop}

then you need to install the rpms and all their dependencies. openSUSE comes with a commandline tool called zypper that will do this for you. You probably will need to be connected to the internet if the required packages aren’t on the CD/DVD.

in the same terminal window you have open type

sudo zypper install {name-of-rpm1} {name-of-rpm2} {however many rpms you need}

where {name-of-rpm1} and {name-of-rpm2} are the FULL file names, including the .i586.rpm extension of the rpms you want to install. The terminal will help you do this - just start to type the name and press TAB - if the terminal can find the file it will automatically complete the name for you.
Once you have typed the full command and pressed enter, you will be asked for the root user password. Type it in, press enter, type YES when zypper asks you if you want to proceed, and presto! Everything is installed, no matter how difficult the dependencies.

BTW sudo is superuser-do. It’s a safer version of switching to the superuser (root) by typing su.

Another way to install rpms is the make a folder in your home. Example /home/user/rpms

Then, you go on yast and Click on Software Repositories. Click on add and choose Local folder(Not sure if thats the exact name on openSuSE 11). It will ask you for the path. Enter the path to your folder. EX: /home/user/rpms

Name the repo and click ok. Click finish to close the window.

Now go on Software Management and either find the rpm that is in the folder you created or click the menu where is says ‘‘Filter: Search’’ and choose ‘‘Repositories’’. Check the rpm(s) you want install and click accept. Yast will install the checked RPMs and their dependencies.

i386 rpms? That’s like… probably for Fedora.

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jengelh wrote:
| i386 rpms? That’s like… for Fedora.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


jengelh wrote:
> i386 rpms? That’s like… for Fedora.

and SUSE and some others…

i386 will work for 386/486/586 compatible cpu chips, but not work for PPC…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark

The point is that most RPM packages created for SUSE have a .i586.rpm ending, and that most RPM packages created for Fedora (and possibly others) have a .i386.rpm one. Of course you can build an i386 RPM on and for SUSE too, but what is the point if the package is supposed to be for SUSE (which only delivers in i586 and up)? Which leads to the conclusion that it was not specifically targeted for SUSE and one may experience problems w.r.t. paths or “missing” libraries.

your assumption that most SUSE is .i586 and most RH is i.386 and therefore a way
to determine if an .rpm will work ok on SUSE is to look for *.i586.rpm (and to
avoid *.i386.rpm is misinformed)…

instead it is an architecture flag only, see:

been that way for years and years…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark

your assumption that most SUSE is .i586 and most RH is i.386 and therefore a way to determine if an .rpm will work ok on SUSE is to look for *.i586.rpm (and to avoid *.i386.rpm is misinformed)…

I never said something about “will work”, but what the intent of the creator was, since a guarantee that a given rpm will work is not even given if it is i586. You need to look for the Distribution: tag and/or examine the results of ldd of the binaries that got installed.
(And as a hint, the name “vmred72” that appears in the RPM metadata hints that this was done on a redhat machine, perhaps even a totally ancient one.)

> I never said something about “will work”, but what the intent of the
> creator was

the intent of the creator of an *.i386.rpm should be to build an rpm which is
compatible with i386 or higher architectures…

on the other hand, the intent of the creator of an *.suse.i386.rpm is to build
an rpm which is compatible with any version of SUSE on any i386 or higher system…

there is NO hint being given that any *i386.rpm file is for RH/Fedora only, or
even best on those.

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark