Sorry to bother anyone, because this is probably going to sound pretty dumb to anyone who knows anything about suse, but here we go.
To begin with, I am new to linux, so please bear with me as I get my head around this OS…
I have installed a fresh copy of Suse 10.3 using cd’s - the base os and the extra drivers cd. Nothing too fancy at this stage.
I have only a huawei e220 modem for internet access, and I need to get it installed onto the new machine to get online. However, I cannot install it. The problem is as follows:
E220 is mounted by the OS ok
I have downloaded huawei.tar.bz2 and copied via a usb device to the suse machine, as per instructions on SDB:HUAWEI E220 Support - openSUSE
I have root access
Using command “make install_suse” results in “bash: make: command not found”
Using pattern search and plain text does not identify these packages, other than bring up a whole load of packages including the text strings, and it appears most are installed already.
So there’s my attempt at explaining that the OS does not include “make” and i have no idea why the individual packages are not named “make” or “g++” etc
I have no connection to the internet to find other repositories, so I feel a little let down by the whole ordeal. Can anyone offer any suggestions?
found make using webpin Webpin
as for g++ that would be gcc/gcc++ you require which should be on the discs ( i checked the 10.3 discs i have & it’s there )
"found make using webpin Webpin
as for g++ that would be gcc/gcc++ you require which should be on the discs ( i checked the 10.3 discs i have & it’s there )
Andy "
Thanks Andy, but I don’t have access to the internet on the suse box. That’s the problem - make doesn’t seem to be on the Suse 10.3 Installer disk or Drivers Disk, and I cant get to the internet to update the os.
As for gcc\g++ there is no explicit reference to these files in Yast, only the glibc (2.6.1) library, which includes references to C libraries. The other references to gcc are in the Java files (gcc-gij) which do not reference gcc or g++ in the description.
“openSUSE 10.3 comes with kernel 2.6.22”
Sorry Akoellh, that doesn’t really mean anything to me. Do you mean the e220 modem is not supported in the kernal I have? Or does it mean that resource is not the right one to use when looking to install the e220?
Is the real problem that this distro does not include make on the CD’s, and without internet access, I’m kind of scuppered?
I appreciate your help, and thanks for your recent quick replies.
don’t need internet access on the SuSE box, use sneakernet.Download to a usb drive/stick & copy them to your SuSE box & install that way. Download them from here
Maybe someone could send you the dvd, which is better than the cd’s as it contains everything you may need to start.I would’ve sent you one myself,but it probably wouldn’t reach you for a couple of days,depending on where you lived
It’s amazing how quickly we forget stuff. I guess 10.3 must have been available in one of those multiple cd collections? I actually have 2 DVD’s of 10.3 BUT they are _64
And ‘make’ is in the oss repo I see.
Like Andy, I too could send you a Disc. I also have a stack of newer versions, some of which are from Linux Format magazine. You are welcome to any one of them.