New VM on OpneSUSE-13.2


I’m trying to create a new XEN VM from an iso-file with the graphic tools virt-manager, selection File/New Virtual Machine.
However the item Local install media is disabled/greyed out.

Any hints?

Btw, this worked fine with 13.1

Thanks for hints

Inspect the path to the device holding your install media and verify its correctness.
If you’re not sure whether it’s correct. copy and paste it here for others to inspect.


Sorry for the late reply, I was too busy lately :|.

However, the reason for greyed out is that CDROM/iso installation is not avail for paravirt guests.

Anyway, thanks for your comment,


Issue solved, the proper tool is /usr/bin/vm-install.


The selection you described in your original post should have launched vm-install.