New Users: Tumbleweed Articles and other Resources

Wiki Portal: openSUSE Tumbleweed Portal

Changing to Tumbleweed: HowTo Upgrade openSUSE 12.x to Tumbleweed]( (this article, despite the name, works for 11.4 as well).

Insurance for Tumbleweed: HowTo Backup and Restore the Tumbleweed Root/System Partition Quickly & Simply](

Nvidia HowTo: HowTo Install / Maintain Nvidia with openSUSE Tumbleweed (AKA Install Nvidia the Hard Way)](

Install Virtual Box in openSUSE Tumbleweed](

Mailing List for Tumbleweed:

============ obsolete below here ==============

Changing to Tumbleweed: HowTo Upgrade openSUSE 11.4 to Tumbleweed]( (this article will be obsolete when openSUSE 12.1 is released, circa 20 November 2011)

When 11.4 changes to 12.1 – get ready now: HowTo Prepare 11.4-based Tumbleweed for openSUSE 12.1](

Installation of KDE 4.8 in Tumbleweed, in Advance of its Formal Arrival in the Tumbleweed Repos](


Been using SuSE since 6.3 and I don’t do a lot of posts! But I couldn’t resist. Upgraded from 11.4 to Tumblweed the moment I found a rolling release mention; it’s been about 5 weeks.
Hooray for a rolling release!!!

I’m using an ATI 6850 and the latest fglrx driver from Every kernel update (3 so far) and the fglrx driver automatically rebuilds itself on boot and runs perfectly. No “hard way” re-install! So far the only issue has been the backdate on KDE, but that sorted itself out.

Can’t say enough thanks for you and Greg’s work! Hope Tumbleweed becomes the ne plus ultra!

I ma currently on openSUSE 11.4/GNOME 3.0.X. Is there a way to “zypper dup” my way to openSUSE:tumblweed/GNOME 3.X ?.If yes,please guide me in this regard

Gnome-3.2 is such a new beast, it is just prepared by maintainers in factory. Just wait a little, some weeks.

Thanks for a great guide Swerdna, made going to tumbleweed painless!