Linux user since 2008. not expert, and prefer to stay on red-hat family.
after 12 years of fedora (experimental and really really often bugged …:|, ), i change for Opensuse Leap.
Wonderful, reliable, lol!:), Opensuse is a major Linux member family.
The Community is great, they respond friendly, the members are hearty and really good experts. I do not hesitate to thank on return and give positive appreciation.
I am posting several posts in order to familiarize with Opensuse and asking for technical help.
Responses are adequate and members are reactive and nice :).
Little by little, i am going to a perfect personalized Opensuse environment !
You may find the slide deck for my openSUSE presentation useful.
It is based on a somewhat typical openSUSE install, but includes steps if a User wants to install a Desktop that’s not one of the ones offered in “Server Role,” eg MATE, Enlightenment, LXDE, LXQt.
And, it also includes a few recommended first steps after install plus a short list of just a few command lines that although aren’t required to know right away are worth learning because of how much easier things can be done using them.
You should know that most slides contain very little conversational text in keeping with my presentation style, they’re not meant to be read like a book, only provide a framework for discussion… For instance, you might see something mentioned as important but not say why. You’ll want to do a search on that item and find for yourself why it’s important(or attend a live presentation of mine)
You may also be interested in skimming my Wiki,
It contains a number of things I’ve run across over time I’ve found interesting. I don’t maintain it, so there’s a lot of things that might not work anymore, but might still illustrate something important.