New to open Suse and all thing Linux

Hi All,
I have recently installed Open suse 11.3 with Kde on a cleaned ex lease hp 6710b.
I have managed to overcome every hurdle so far, more through good luck than good management. However when I switched on the computer tonight the updater App gave the following error message.

“PackageKit Error repo-not-available: Failed to download /repodata/repomd.xml from

When I went into Yast to look at the repositories for more programs I got a similar message which also said [Abstract]Failed to establish connection, cause :Connection refused. And I noticed it only listed programs already installed on the Laptop.

I thought it might just be server overload until I saw “connection refused”.

Can someone enlighten me please?

Thanks Will.
p.s. Generally very pleased with everything else linux and not quite as scary as I thought it would be.

It seems to be down at the moment.
Btw (almost) everyone here will tell you better NOT to use the videolan repo. Use packman for vlc.

Thanks for that. I will uninstall it and get it from there. Thanks again.

Have uninstalled VLC but updater still wants to connect to videolan repo… Any clues to to stop that?
I’m pretty sure I didn’t download anything else from there but how can I check?

Haha found it and disabled it.

Welcome to these forums and nice you found out about en/disabling repos.

But please, next time when you ask somethinmg, make the title of your thread mirroring the question.
That means that when you want to ask about a “PackageKit Error repo-not-available” then say so in the title and not something like “New to open Suse and all thing Linux” because some people looking through the titles searching for a subject where they can help will will just skip your threead because it seems not to be a question at all.