ok, I’m the cuz that was trying to help work through this problem…
we had essentially gotten to the point where we knew we needed ndiswrapper, but ran into the following problems…
first: YaST2 software management did not turn up an ndiswrapper via simple query. at this point I was beginning to worry that we hadn’t the proper repositories, though I was unable to quickly find a list of the standard repositories anywhere without too much trouble…
second: it seemed the uname -a command was returning a 64-bit version, although there are some 32-bit softwares installed, and it would ask for a huge dependency change (900+) in order to switch architectures to 64 when attempting to install a version of ndiswrapper (that seemed more like an interface to the prog, but we were assuming ndiswrapper would be a dependency of such).
we had also pursued upgrading the kernel, which we accomplished by creating a new section in GRUB to boot to optionally whilst leaving the standard kernel in place. lo and behold we found no better luck with the .27 version of the kernel.
I should state that the other half of the problem was detecting the proper video card… I have terrible phone connection problems and have still been unable to get the exact specs on the card other than it having been an nvidia chipset. The nvidia one-click install failed as we have been having repository issues as well…
so here are the questions:
from which repository could ndiswrapper be obtained? we have been quite unsuccessful in compiling our own version from the ndiswrapper page… plenty of errors with make (although make needed installed before we could get to that point).
however, on my 11.0 at home I am easily able to find it in YaST (i believe the standard OSS repo).
if we use the ndiswrapper solution, assuming of course we could get ndiswrapper to work (sudo yast -i ndiswrapper FAILED because of repositories?), I am to understand that we needn’t change the kernel, and we could safely remove the option from grub and delete the kernel from /boot ??
secondly, I’m still a bit worried about our hybrid 32/64 bit installation… I didn’t think it was possible, honestly, but I’m quite sure it’s a 64-bit system, and have suggested doing a clean install using a 64-bit DVD instead of the LiveCD that was used. (There also seemed to be 2 swap partitions @ 2GB, where since he had 2 GB of RAM I wanted just 1 @ 4GB… but we cannot seem to consolidate them as they are positioned before the / and /home partitions…)
Additionally, would you have a basic list of repos (obviously we could include the nvidia repo) that should be included in a standard 11.0 install? I only use packman occasionally, so I tend to remove it again once I get what I need… but there isn’t a chance there’s a version of ndiswrapper there that would be viable?
lastly: am I missing something here:
I issued a su to root, and then accessed SaX using the “-r” parameter, though we’re still unable to get anything but the “Standard Framebuffer Driver” which unfortunately does not support 3d acceleration.
**so here our our goals… **
1.) wireless access to his internet (even if we HAVE to use ndiswrapper to grab his vista driver for his broadcom wireless card…)
2.) Hardware 3d acceleration (so we can see the CUBES when we switch desktops!) – even if we have to trick X11 into using a different driver…
I can clarify anything as stated here as I’m working side by side with DJChopin… honestly though, I wasn’t past just doing a fresh install to verify all the settings on the way in… We actually have about 9 partitions on the primary hdd currently… :’(
Thanks in advance…
- polarysekt
(Linux Counter #462144)