In a previous version of OpenSUSE (or was it SLES?), there was a menu option to open a new X session, and another option to open an X session in a window. I’d like to have access to a root session without having to logout and login again.
OK… let me rephrase… I am a net admin finally committing to running linux on my primary machine. I am currently tweaking a new install of OpenSUSE to my liking. Having previously only run windows (and run linux in VM’s for years), there are certain things that I would like to do without having to wait for the logout/login of X.
I am using Gnome. I’ve read too many bad things about kde4, and am not ready to go there yet. Besides, I’ve been using gnome for forever.
I don’t need the ethics or security recommendations inherent in what I am attempting to do… I just want to know HOW.
Fair enough. No offense intended.
I don’t use gnome. Though if you have been using it for such a long time, you probably know you way around it better than me.
In kde3, there is the option to lock current session and start a new one. if it was in gnome previously, I can’t see it having been removed. There have been no major changes in gnome like those in kde, and I don’t see this feature in kde4, but then I have not dug about for it. All my sys admin work is done in konsole with su.
If there is a desktop config section in gnome, I would suggest looking for session manager section.