It has now become a nightmare, every update becomes a waste of hours and hours, continuous timeouts, and invalid repository messages. Whatever I do is useless, the download doesn’t go slowly, it just stops, it stays stuck there. I tried all possible repositories, I also tried editing the file in etc/zypp/zypp.conf. Nothing works, I do an ADSL test and go to the maximum 100megabit which is my available bandwidth. Here is the other post I made Problem Packman Repository
@enziosavio Hi, so are you using your ISP’s DNS servers? Taking Packman out of the picture, are you using http or https, are you using, cdn , mirrorcache of an actual mirror?
type or paste code here cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
# NOTE: the libc resolver may not support more than 3 nameservers.
# The nameservers listed below may not be recognized.
nameserver 2606:4700:4700::1111
nameserver 2606:4700:4700::1001
type or paste code herezypper lr -u
Priorità del repository effettive: (Vedere 'zypper lr -P per ulteriori dettagli)
50 (priorità aumentata) : 1 repository
99 (priorità di default) : 3 repository
| Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | URI
1 | | Repository principale (NON-OSS) | Sì | ( p) Sì | Sì |
2 | | Repository principale (OSS) | Sì | ( p) Sì | Sì | Index of /mirrors/opensuse/tumbleweed/repo/oss/
3 | | Repository principale degli aggiornamenti | Sì | (r ) Sì | Sì |
4 | | Packman Repository | Sì | (r ) Sì | Sì | Index of /pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/
@enziosavio So your using a mirror and http… very likely the issue, maybe some ipv4/ipv6 fighting (dns resolution) going on as well…
@enziosavio you may also be interested in;
i had this problem when installed klassy, not sure if that helps though
I deleted the Repositories, and now I’ve added them back, just to start Yast I’ve been stopped for 15 minutes… that’s where it runs and you can’t understand what it’s doing, I’m looking at what comes in via the network… 2 / 8 bits or even 0. Error message from Yast, Timeout, incredible I do an ADSL test and I go to the maximum of my bandwidth
@enziosavio So what are your repositories like now, zypper lr -dE
You might need to fire up wireshark and look at what is happening, I only use ipv4 here and it runs fine.
restoring to a snapshot from before the problem started worked for me when klassy caused the same behaviors.
@40476 for this user they are using a specific mirror, likewise ipv4/ipv6 are in the mix…
YaST is OK for repo management if that’s your choice, but for expected results in TW, zypper dup is required.
The following are the URLs in my well-working primary repos:
When you configure a specific repo rather than cdn., download. or mirrorcache., you are at the mercy of your configured repo as to whether it may or may not be sync’d up-to-date and ready for reliable use. Using specific mirror repos can create big trouble for those ill-prepared for making needed repairs when breakage occurs.
zypper lr -dE
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | Priority | Type | URI | Service
1 | Packman | Packman | Sì | (r ) Sì | Sì | 50 | rpm-md | |
2 | openSUSE:repo-non-oss | repo-non-oss | Sì | (r ) Sì | Sì | 99 | rpm-md | | openSUSE
3 | openSUSE:repo-oss | repo-oss | Sì | (r ) Sì | Sì | 99 | rpm-md | | openSUSE
4 | openSUSE:update-tumbleweed | update-tumbleweed | Sì | (r ) Sì | Sì | 99 | rpm-md | | openSUSE
I installed MirrorCache - openSUSE Wiki it seems to work. I wait to say, because in the last few months, I have had many Timeout problems, and invalid repository messages.
enziosavio@Matusalem:~> sudo zypper ref
[sudo] password di root:
Il repository 'Packman' è aggiornato.
Il repository 'repo-non-oss' è aggiornato.
Il repository 'repo-oss' è aggiornato.
Il repository 'update-tumbleweed' è aggiornato.
Tutti i repository sono stati aggiornati.
enziosavio@Matusalem:~> sudo zypper -vvv ref -f
Livello di dettaglio: 3
Inizializzazione della destinazione
Repository specificati:
Aggiornamento forzato dei metadati non elaborati in corso
Recupero di: ....................[fine (836 B/s)]
Recupero di: ..................[fine (1,7 KiB/s)]
Recupero di: ..................................[fine]
Repository: Packman
Impronta digitale della chiave: F887 5B88 0D51 8B6B 8C53 0D13 45A1 D067 1ABD 1AFB
Nome della chiave: PackMan Project (signing key) <>
Algoritmo della chiave: RSA 4096
Chiave creata: lun 8 gen 2024, 22:26:14
Scadenza chiave: ven 13 set 2024, 00:17:21 (scade entro 68 giorni)
Nome rpm: gpg-pubkey-1abd1afb-659c6876
Recupero di: ..................[fine (1,8 MiB/s)]
Recupero dei metadati del repository 'Packman' .......................................................................................[fine]
Costruzione forzata della cache del repository
Costruzione della cache del repository 'Packman' .....................................................................................[fine]
Aggiornamento forzato dei metadati non elaborati in corso
Recupero di: .................................................[fine (109 B/s)]
Recupero di: .......................................................................[fine (27 B/s)]
Recupero di: ....................................................................[fine (1,6 KiB/s)]
Recupero di: ....................................................................................[fine]
Repository: repo-non-oss
Impronta digitale della chiave: AD48 5664 E901 B867 051A B15F 35A2 F86E 29B7 00A4
Nome della chiave: openSUSE Project Signing Key <>
Algoritmo della chiave: RSA 4096
Chiave creata: lun 20 giu 2022, 16:03:14
Scadenza chiave: ven 19 giu 2026, 16:03:14
Nome rpm: gpg-pubkey-29b700a4-62b07e22
Recupero di: ...............[fine]
Recupero di: .........[fine]
Recupero di:[fine]
Recupero di: ..............[fine]
Recupero di: ...........[fine]
Recupero dei metadati del repository 'repo-non-oss' .................................................................................................................[fine]
Costruzione forzata della cache del repository
Costruzione della cache del repository 'repo-non-oss' ...............................................................................................................[fine]
Aggiornamento forzato dei metadati non elaborati in corso
Recupero di: .....................................................................................[fine (93 B/s)]
Recupero di: ..........................................................................[fine (827 B/s)]
Recupero di: ........................................................................[fine (1,4 KiB/s)]
Recupero di: ........................................................................................[fine]
Repository: repo-oss
Impronta digitale della chiave: AD48 5664 E901 B867 051A B15F 35A2 F86E 29B7 00A4
Nome della chiave: openSUSE Project Signing Key <>
Algoritmo della chiave: RSA 4096
Chiave creata: lun 20 giu 2022, 16:03:14
Scadenza chiave: ven 19 giu 2026, 16:03:14
Nome rpm: gpg-pubkey-29b700a4-62b07e22
Recupero di: .......[fine (7,0 MiB/s)]
Recupero di: [fine (11,4 MiB/s)]
Recupero di:[fine]
Recupero di:[fine (10,2 MiB/s)]
Recupero di: ......[fine (5,7 MiB/s)]
Recupero di: ...[fine (2,7 MiB/s)]
Recupero dei metadati del repository 'repo-oss' .....................................................................................................................[fine]
Costruzione forzata della cache del repository
Costruzione della cache del repository 'repo-oss' ...................................................................................................................[fine]
Aggiornamento forzato dei metadati non elaborati in corso
Recupero di: ............................................................................[fine (827 B/s)]
Recupero di: ..........................................................................[fine (1,4 KiB/s)]
Recupero di: ..........................................................................................[fine]
Repository: update-tumbleweed
Impronta digitale della chiave: AD48 5664 E901 B867 051A B15F 35A2 F86E 29B7 00A4
Nome della chiave: openSUSE Project Signing Key <>
Algoritmo della chiave: RSA 4096
Chiave creata: lun 20 giu 2022, 16:03:14
Scadenza chiave: ven 19 giu 2026, 16:03:14
Nome rpm: gpg-pubkey-29b700a4-62b07e22
Recupero di:[fine]
Recupero di:[fine (74,6 KiB/s)]
Recupero di:[fine (27,5 KiB/s)]
Recupero dei metadati del repository 'update-tumbleweed' ............................................................................................................[fine]
Costruzione forzata della cache del repository
Costruzione della cache del repository 'update-tumbleweed' ..........................................................................................................[fine]
Tutti i repository sono stati aggiornati.
then maybe you should go back to the stock configuration?
The TO already switched back to the standard CDN load balancer. And as he wrote, he will now monitor if the problem persists.
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