Hello people,
i installed suse 11.2 2 days ago… was wrking well except wifi and keyboard…But today on booting only the gnome background comes…no icons no pannels Nothing wrks.
Even unable to logout…actually i called ma freinds to see it…it luked vry sxy to me…****ed…it didnt open in front of dem…earlier was wrking smoothly:’(
what did you change, install, move, delete, configure yesterday??
undo that and you should be back to a smooth system with only keyboard
and wifi problems, right?
i didnt do any installation. i just went through the instructions of the wifi guide <the sticky ones on wireless forum>
i just ran the commands booted to windows for posting to you and this thing happened.:’(:’(:
This may help
downloaded metacity-2.28.0-2.12.1.i586.rpm from http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/sbrabec:/branches:/openSUSE:/11.2:/Update/standard/i586
I suspect you did an update at some point to get this problem.
HOw do i install nthng responds…and no net so hw update?
You can run Yast from the command line.
at boot window type 3 then boot this will cause you to start in terminal mode
log on as root and run yast
this will start a text version of Yast.
Add the above repository and then update the metacity package to the newer version.