New Posts link says there are no new posts

Lately, whenever I click the “New Posts” link at the top of the forum, I have been getting a page that says “Sorry, there are no new posts to view. You may search for posts updated during the previous 24 hours, here”

This has been going on for at least a week, and obviously there have been new posts during that time.

And clicking on the “here” link doesn’t always lead to the posts–sometimes I just get a message that I must wait 5 seconds between searches.

Hm, I never used it, but your comment made me try it. I get 289 new posts. At the top I see one that is from a new thread I saw this morning, but this, very new, thread of yours is not at the top. Strange.

EDIT: OK, that this very thread is not thre is most probably because I am reading it. After I opened the top post from the list and then doing a New Posts, results in a list of 288 posts (with the top one removed). Seems logical and functioning.

Not much help for what you see I am afraid.

Okay, I’ve managed to figure out that New Posts works while I am logged in, but not when I am not logged in. In the past, it worked even if I was not logged in.

If I understand this feature correctly (also from experience with other forums powered by VBulletin where I do use this), it shows you posts that are new to you. That would make it impossible to work for you when not loged in. But again, having not used it here, I can not speak from earlier experience here.

hcvv wrote:
> If I understand this feature correctly (also from experience with other
> forums powered by VBulletin where I do use this), it shows you posts
> that are new to you. That would make it impossible to work for you when
> not loged in. But again, having not used it here, I can not speak from
> earlier experience here.

Well, you could do it with cookies. But no longer in compliance with EU
law :slight_smile:

I can confirm the behaviour seen by dimesio.

Preferred response would be,
– when entering as a guest, thread inputs from the last 24 hours are shown,
– when entering after login, thread inputs from last login or
— if none then from last 24 hours

the icons already show what’s been read

what’s the point of the page indicating nothing new when other information has
changed, number of views for instance

I think that’s how it must have worked in the past, because as long as I kept my browser open, it would seem to remember what I had already viewed and adjust the list accordingly. But if I closed my browser in between, it would reset and display everything as new from the past 24 hours.

So the law has changed in the EU and that’s the reason it no longer works?

I find it very inconvenient to have to log in just to find new posts. It’s also inconvenient to have to browse all the forums one by one to see if there are any new posts.

I could live with having to click one extra link to get to the list if that always worked, but about 1/3 of the time I wind up with the message telling me to wait 5 seconds between searches, and if I wait and try again, sometimes end up just bouncing back and forth between the two error messages until I give up.

When this loss of functionality is allready due the the EU law, that is prettyt quick.
It is also an easy (for those running a web-site) solution. The law only says that explicit allowance for tracking cookies is needed. An easy implementaion is e.g., ask and when they ay NO, do nopt serve anything to that user anymore. This seems to be another easy one: remove the functionality completely.

First end-user protests are allready showing here and there.

As I told I do not use this feature (at least not here). That is because I use another way to check for new threads: RSS feeds to the several sub-forums I am interested in. And new posts in tthe threads I am interested in of course using the mail function on subscribed threads. Fits me, but I do of course not know if it is a solotion for you.

On 06/11/2012 06:16 PM, dimesio wrote:
> I find it very inconvenient to have to log in just to find new posts.
> It’s also inconvenient to have to browse all the forums one by one to
> see if there are any new posts.

using thunderbird (or some other client) and nntp you automatically can
see all new/unread posts in all fora subscribed to…


That’s all I want. I can figure out for myself whether something has been updated since I last read it just by looking at the time of the last post, so there’s no need for cookies.

As for all the suggestions to use email/nntp, I use the forum because I access it from many different computers, some of them public. I also want to see what’s new everywhere; something interesting could turn up in any subforum.

On 2012-06-11 19:18, wrote:

> using thunderbird (or some other client) and nntp you automatically can see
> all new/unread posts in all fora subscribed to…

Setting it up on a new computer is fast, but learning there of new posts is
not that easy - unless you carry TB in a stick.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

hcvv wrote:
> When this loss of functionality is allready due the the EU law, that is
> prettyt quick.

I don’t know whether it is or not. It’s just one possible reason.

> It is also an easy (for those running a web-site) solution. The law
> only says that explicit allowance for tracking cookies is needed. An
> easy implementaion is e.g., ask and when they ay NO, do nopt serve
> anything to that user anymore. This seems to be another easy one:
> remove the functionality completely.

No, that’s not an acceptable response. Unless the owner of the web
server can show that there is no reasonable alternative way to provide
the service except by using cookies, they are in breach for refusing
service and can be prosecuted.

> First end-user protests are allready showing here and there.

I’d be interested in any links; I’m interested in the subject.
Personally, I don’t see cookies as a problem. Widespread unnecessary
Javascript winds me up much more. But I’m fascinated to watch the
development of internet/web law.

The protests I am refering to are e.g. in the newspaper (on paper) and also somewhere in the internet. Only saw it, did not realy make notes of them. I guess it takes some time before Joe Enduser will find out the negative consequences of this. Not that Joe asked for it, because he does not understand what it is all about. He will not understand what is Pro, nor will he probably understand that what he sees are the Cons of this.

Until now I did not realy find a site that asked me. I wonder when such a site refuses me when I say NO, wil do when I say yes and then (habitualy) block the cookies with my browsers functionality. I most often allow cookies only stored as session cookies (when at all).

Well, I found one. on De grootste goededoelenloterij van Nederland | Nationale Postcode Loterij and went to Uitslagen. And then Trekking mei1912 click Naar de uitslagen.

Frst I got a completely text only page. I hit the Back key and then allowed temporary the domain for scripts (NoScript). Now the page turns grey and a message is shown where you can ONLY CLICK accept.
Message translates like;

Dear visitor,
We draw your attention to the fac that we use cookies. We do this to serve you better on the website. We ask you to accept to allow us to do this.
Nationale Postcode Loterij
PS At this moment work is in progress to let you use the website without to use cookies.

As you see they Try to cope, but at the moment you can not see the Uitslag (Results of the lottery) wthout acepting.

Personaly I also do not see session cookies as a problem. I do not like third party ccookies (like googleanalytics) and thus block them.

And of course I also try to block third party scripts.

hcvv wrote:
>> PS At this moment work is in progress to let you use the website
>> without to use cookies.
> As you see they Try to cope, but at the moment you can not see the
> Uitslag (Results of the lottery) wthout acepting.

Seems similar to the situation in the UK. The regulator won’t prosecute
for now as long as the website is working on the issue. Since everybody
was already formally given a year to work on the issue, I’m not sure why
the need for more time, but evidently the powers that be do see the need.

Since I last posted, the problem of bouncing between the “there are no new posts, click here” message and the “you must wait 5 seconds between searches” message has gotten much worse; it now happens to me most of the time, and it doesn’t matter how long I wait before clicking the “here” link.

So I found my own workaround:,sbd:1&prmd=imvns&source=lnt&sa=X&ei=g_ftT6K5Dcjz6wGr7b2dCg&ved=0CFUQpwUoAQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1132&bih=636&ech=1&psi=g_ftT6K5Dcjz6wGr7b2dCg.1340995559565.3&emsg=NCSR&noj=1&ei=g_ftT6K5Dcjz6wGr7b2dCg

The search is of the English forums for anything updated within the past 24 hours, sorted by date in descending order. That’s exactly what I want. The downside is that threads with multiple new posts will show up multiple times on the list, but it’s easy to scroll past them. The upside is that unlike the New Posts link here, it searches only the English forums, so I don’t have to scroll past items not in English. I’d say the two balance each other out.

I’ve bookmarked it in Portable Firefox, and have it in a plain text document in case I have to use a computer that blocks apps running from a USB stick. I figured I’d post it here in case anyone else is equally frustrated by the now-useless New Posts link.