New openSUSE User

Hello everyone! Having been a buntu user since i ditched Windows a few years ago i decided to try out openSUSE and have only just completed the installation and have installed some updates. Could anyone please tell me where i should go from here. Just in case i have left something out. Thanks all

Hello and welcome here.

As you are the only one that knows where you want to use your system for, you can hardly expect that others tell you what to install, use or be happy with

In any case, when you want to use your system (also) for multimedia, be sure that you read the stickies at the top of the Multimedia forum here. Adding the Packman and switching your multimedia packeges to those in Packman is crucial for music and movies.

Install Virtualbox, then install openSUSE in there. Same version with same Gnome/KDE or what you have chosen.

Then you experiment and gain experience in there. Use snapshot feature in Virtualbox as safety net. Not the same but close enough. Also not necessary but depends on how click happy you are.

Along with Henk’s advice regarding Multimedia which you are likely to want to proceed with, here’s a basic guide that should help you get started with getting started

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

The decision to start using openSUSE-13.2 was a step up on my part from using the likes of Ubuntu OS’s. But having done so i am in no doubt what-so-ever that it was the right thing to do. After quite a bit of online searching i have now updated the OS and added a couple of repositories and installed a package: bleachbit via the command line. Big thanks to all who replied with help and advice. Thanks

Hello and Welcome. I think you will be very pleased with your decision. I would also suggest becoming comfortable with Zypper (CLI) as well as Yast. Yast is great for some things, however, zypper really is powerful and fast. Also, you do not have to worry about your new OS adding spyware/adware. :slight_smile:

Hello ChuangTzu
I have been looking for zypper and YaST tutorials so as to become more familiar with these great tools. I have also started learning all i can about the Vim text editor. Which in itself is another big step up from the likes of Nano. Big thanks for the welcome and advice.