New name for openSUSE as requested by SUSE

This does suck, because I originally came to openSUSE because of Novell. I knew the name from Netware way back in the day when I actually got paid to mess with computers. I respected the name, and liked what they did, so the “open” flavor I liked because it’s a name I trust. There’s also the community goodwill they did with regards to donating code to the public domain or under GPL to help clear up some of the Linux / SCO crap. They’ve proven to me to be OSS friendly in words and deed so I support them (and have bought swag from them directly, since I don’t plan to pay “commercial OS license fees” for my homelab). Any other name that doesn’t have that pedigree will be a step backwards to me.

WITH ALL THAT SAID: Gecko Linux. Or Geeko. Both work for me. I like the lizard and would like to keep that.

AND TO ADD: That new Tumbleweed logo, ugh. I would like to go back to the old “infinity” one.


That’s just me tho and I know nobody cares what I think. As long as Tumbleweed stays the solid rolling distro it is now I’m not going anywhere. I do wish I could contribute in a meaningful way but I’m still learning Linux and am not much of a coder either.


Another vote for Gecko Linux! It would really tie in nice with the mascot and the logo!

Impossible. Gecko Linux already exists.


Interesting, I didn’t know it already existed.

Even though Gecko Linux is taken would Geeko OS still qualify?

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From a branding perspective, the names would IMO be too close, and would cause brand recognition confusion.

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I think that GeekOS would be perfect :ok_hand:

And another variant that’s close enough to be confusing to anyone trying to figure out what they’re running (or want to run).

Beg Gecko Linux for a merger so we can use their name.
Edit: semi-joking

I am once again requesting OpenZypper

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Also just as a reminder: This isn’t an “official” discussion or request thread. It’s just fans of the project throwing ideas around for fun. :slight_smile:

Agreed … I suspect folks don’t realize the original intent of the OP who vanished after one post :slight_smile:

lonatinux - Joined 2024-08-09
Last Post 2024-08-13
Seen 2024-08-13

One post only, on one day, then disappeared. And mistakenly posted to TW


I removed that unnecessary tag.

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