New, Light Alternative to OpenOffice - OOoLight

Just found this: Main Page - OOoLight

Give it a try - I’m having some fun with it. Using it in an XFCE environment to have a bit more zippy openSUSE experience. If I can figure out how to work the Suse Build service, I’ll put up a build

Shouldn’t this be better off based on LibreOffice? Thanks for sharing anyway, this might be very nice for those running LXDE, XFCE on older computers, at least I would guess so.

It’s basically the same thing as the OOo4Kids project (without the 4Kids branding), by the Education Project people. They just made a light version of OpenOffice that could fit on small machines like the XO laptop. Looks like they have been working on it for quite awhile, and have not converted over to LibreOffice yet. It’s pretty useful - retains its ability to open all kinds of files, including .docx, but is missing many of the tools of the main program, such as Paste-Special. I notice that the spreadsheet program is limited to 512 rows, so that is a very restrictive limitation. I threw up some install instructions this morning for openSUSE using zypper here: (EnvironmentSetup/Linux - OOo4Kids) - just apply the same steps to the OOoLight packages, and it will work fine.