New Kid on the block :)

im new to open suse/ forumns
give you a little insight into me as a computer person (i find peoples os history intresting sorry to bouur you )
i used windows througout my younger childhoood years and about a year ago (15) i decided to try linux, hated it, wireless didnt work same as always, and about 6 months later i had another go and got it to work and slowly i liked linux more and more and everything started to workthen about 2 months later i went back to windows after trying about 20 distros (my screen never worked couldnt get the settings for any of my hardware) then i tryed unix which was a complete fail becuase in my opinion its no different ( i no there is but not enough of one to constitute a drop in software and choices)
i then went back to vista and loved it for 4 months (dont care if u hate it, im starting to get sick of noobs going linux rullezz windowzz suckzz just becuase everyone else says it )
and here comes to now, and im about to try suse,
well thats a breif history of me and i hope i can be active and enjoy the forumns :slight_smile:

(ps sorry about spelling/ lack of punctuation im on my iphone cuase suse is installing :slight_smile:

/me waves
Hi & welcome to the forum stabbyjoe12, hope you enjoy it here & may all your probles,if any, be solvable


You wizzzz-kid you! :wink:

Hi there Joe?

Welcome to the block & I hope you have a better Linux ride this time over!
As you will find there are many here traveling the ‘Using both Linux and Windows’ route as also those who manage this world without the Windows goodness… :wink:

So… Welcome & Wishing you a smoother flight!

Hey joe! welcome to our neighborhood! Hope you’ll like us & stay a while. As to your writing style(on your cell at least), well we’ve seen worse here;)