new KDE app starter menu: any way to get the previous back?

Anyone found a way to restore the previous start button menu layout in KDE/Plasma? I had the tabbed one previously and the new one is not my taste. Also it does not work well with slimglow qtcurve themes.

Right click starter button and you should see ‘edit panel’. Click that. Right click starter button againt and you’ll see 'Alternatives…" (or something like that). If you click on thay you should see 3 alternatves and choose the one you want.

thanks, that did it. Had to install it with

plasmapkg2 -i kickoff-legacy-1.0.0.plasmoid

as for some odd reason the install via buttons and local file selector did not work. But then it showed up in kickoff alternatives.

Thanks for the posts here. I quite like the new style kickoff but have added the previous version to my p/c just in case I change my mind.